Flannery chosen for All Star East Football Team

Oxford High School 2003 grad Patrick Flannery has been selected by the Michigan High School Football Coaches Association to play in the 2003 Michigan High School East-West All Star Football Game on July 26.
‘I was surprised I got chosen,? said Flannery, ‘because it’s a lot of the best athletes in Michigan and I never thought I’d be chosen among them for that.?
A total of 88 high school graduates are chosen each year to form the two teams. Flannery was chosen for the East team from among approximately 269,301 students representing 229 high schools. The students are selected from nominees made by each school’s head coach.
‘I found out from coach Rowley back in January,? said Flannery. ‘I was just shocked.?
Flannery, who will be a guard in the All Star game, normally plays tackle, but said he’s covered all of the offensive positions at one point or another. When looking back over his high school career, the Oxford grad decided that winning the district championship two years ago was the best.
‘The hardest part though has been saying good-bye to my teammates and knowing that my high school football days are over,? he added.
Off the field, Flannery kept busy as student class president, a member of the National Honors Society, a member of the Math Club and a member of the Disc Golf Club. He graduated with a 3.95 grade point average and was awarded this year’s Oxford Cup at commencement ceremonies.
‘I’m very excited to be participating because it’s such a great honor,? Flannery said. ‘It says a lot about Oxford Football.?
The All Star teams will begin practicing the week before the game at the Spartan Stadium and sports complex. Flannery said the most difficult part will be getting the team to play as a unit.
‘It takes a lot of time to get to know your teammates and we’re only working together for a week before hand,? he explained.
However, Flannery said he already knows a couple players on the team and is looking forward to ‘having fun and playing with some of the best athletes in the state.?
This fall, Flannery will be attending Michigan Tech for civil or mechanical engineering. He plans on continuing his football career there.

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