Find a job at Job Fair

A wide range of employers are signed up for a Job Fair, Sept. 20 at St. Daniel Church in Independence Township.
“Jobs for old and young employees, part-time and fulltime, in administration, sales, technology ? a good representation in this economy,” said Ronald DeLorme, organizer. “We expect hundreds of job seekers.”
Seventeen employers in shipping, insurance, home based care, home products, mortgage, spa, caregivers, health care, and military fields signed up so far, with room for more.
The job fair is organized by the St. Daniel Community Job and Help Ministry Group, said Marylou Enneking, Christian service coordinator.
Mike Timm, Mike Weightman, and Mike Gemborys started the ministry two years ago.
“They wanted to do something to help people in need, those who are unemployed,” Enneking said. “It’s developed quite a bit since then.”
They work with the federal Small Business Administration, Oakland University, Lawrence Tech, Oakland Community College, and other agencies to provide online resources, workshops, and presentations. Topics include finances, job interview skills, emotional issues, and other career-transition areas.
“Developing small business in the community is important to economic recovery,” Enneking said.
DeLorme got involved this past January.
“It’s going very well,” he said.
“The point is to get people some jobs. There’s so much talent in the same room, people with PhDs, masters, 20-30 years of experience ? talented, hard working people put on street through no fault of their own, it’s so unfortunate.”
The job fair welcomes employers big and small, with one or hundreds of employees, DeLorme said.
“This is a way to stir things up a little bit on a small scale ? we can do this,” he said. “The church is fantastic. They made the space available and are doing tremendous work behind the scenes.”
St. Dan’s is part of a Clarkston area-wide effort by local churches to meet the community’s social needs.
“Many state agencies are overburdened,” Enneking said. “Churches become more of a focal point and deliver more human service needs.”
The job fair will be in St. Dan’s Cushing Center, 4-8 p.m. Employers can register for a table by calling DeLorme at 248-396-5031. Prospective employees do not need to register, but should bring a resume and dress for success.
The St. Daniel Community Job and Help Ministry Group Home Page is at
For more information, email Mike Timm at or Mike Weightman at, or call Enneking at 248-625-4583.

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