FBI joins sheriff in investigation of bank robbery

The FBI and the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office are investigating an armed robbery at the Standard Federal Bank branch on M-15 on April 26.
The gunman escaped with more than $9,000 cash, according to sheriff reports, after waving a semi-automatic pistol at bank tellers. No one was injured in the incident.
Witnesses said the suspect, who was wearing a ski mask, gloves and baggy clothing, jumped over the teller’s counter and told the on-duty tellers to drop to the floor. One teller apparently hesitated, and the robber pushed a chair at her, reports said.
The suspect took cash from at least one teller’s drawer, dropping some and ordering another teller to pick it up off the floor. The gunman put the money into a plastic grocery-style bag before leaving the building.
Witnesses said the suspect drove away in a white Buick with a Mackinaw Bridge-style license plate bearing a possible partial license number of ‘MI 5UL.? The vehicle was last seen traveling south on M-15 toward I-75, reports said.
While the bank surveillance video recorded good images, detectives said the baggy clothing would make physical identification difficult. The best information gained from witnesses said the suspect was a black male between 5 feet-6 inches and 5 feet-8 inches tall.
A county sheriff crime lab technician was able to get two shoe prints from the counter, reports said, but local investigators reported no progress in the case as of Monday.

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