Deputies seek help in multiple burglaries

Three recent home invasions with similar circumstances have the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department seeking information from residents concerning suspicous persons or vehicles.
The break-ins were all in the northwest corner of Independence Township and all featured a method of operation which included pulling a truck to the rear of the home, with burglars taking property such as guns, computers and legal papers while ignoring jewelry and other valuables.
An April 8 incident took place on Strawberry Lane, with recent break-ins including a May 3 incident on Allen Road and a May 5 burglary on Hubbard Road near Allen Road.
Detective Jerry DeRosia speculated that suspects could be targeting the area because of relatively close access to I-75 for speedy escape from the area.
In the Allen Road incident, stolen items included a computer, two .22 caliber rifles, a 9mm pistol, two pair of binoculars, a video camera, a DVD player, a stereo and legal documents.. The Hubbard Road burglary included four long guns, an antique revolver, and a jar with $130 in quarters.
The Hubbard Road homeowner said the doors to the open were never locked because they never saw the need, reports said.
Investigators have noted tire tracks at each location, and at the Hubbard Road home found a latex glove on the floor of the bedroom.
DeRosia said the ease of access to some area homes have been noted by suspects in previous incidents.
‘These places are easy pickings to some of the people we’ve interviewed,? DeRosia said, and the three recent burglaries were ‘very similar? in nature.
This time of year also brings out door-to-door solicitors for home repairs or driveway paving, DeRosia said. While some have a potential threat for fraud in their own right, he wonders if some might have been involved in research concerning possible burglary targets.
Those with information concerning suspicious persons or vehicles are asked to contact the sheriff’s department at (248) 620-4968 or (248) 858-4950.

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