Dancing with daddy

Clarkston Community Education hosted the Daddy Daughter Valentines dance Saturday, Feb. 16. A group of girls from Clarkston High School’s National Honors Society volunteered to help out. The fathers, along with their ‘little ladies,? were able to get a professional picture taken by Unique image photography.

Dads and their daughters filled Clarkston High School cafeteria, twice, during Clarkston Community Education’s annual Daddy Daughter Dances, Feb. 6.
More than 1,000 attended the dances, one in the afternoon and the other in the evening. Jim Tedder Productions provided music. National Honor Society students volunteered their time to decorate and help out. Also, this year donations were collected for Lighthouse of Oakland County.

Almost 1,000 fathers and daughters participated in the annual pre-Valentine’s Day Daddy -Daughter Dance, Feb. 7.
The girls and their dads enjoyed time out on the dance floor, with DJ Jim Tedder, as well as punch and refreshments served by students of Clarkston High School’s National Honors Society.
They also had professonal photos taken by Unique Image. The dance is put on each year by Clarkston Community Education.

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