Dam taxes

A leaky county dam off W. Drahner Rd. being replaced this winter may cost some township residents approximately $178,000 in taxes this winter instead of the usual $61,000.
Those living on and those who have access to the ‘Stringy Lakes,? which include Cedar, Clear, Long, Squaw, Lake Mickelson and Tan, may have to pay anywhere from $25-$1,000 extra on their township winter taxes due next February.
Because the dam is located in a special assessment district, residents are responsible to pay for regular operation and maintenance.
Oakland County Commissioner Brad Jacobsen (R-Oxford), said about 642 residents will be charged the extra assessment based on their waterline footage before any of the work on the dam is completed.
For example, someone who has 100-ft. along the waterfront may have to pay roughly $407 extra this winter. Those who have legal access to the lakes elsewhere will incur a smaller additional fee than others.
Although the exact amount residents will be charged won’t be finalized until sometime next month after the Oakland County Drain Commissioner’s Office (OCDC) accepts a bid, residents should expect to see the bill this December.
Jacobsen said the Board of Commissioners is trying to get the drain commission to spread the payment over at least three years so it won’t be as harsh on the residents ? but it’s not looking good.
‘Their comment was that there’s no pot of money that they can just use to pay for it, even if (residents) do want to pay interest for it,? he said. ‘They need that money for other projects. In the overall big picture of drain projects and such, a $160,000-$170,000 project is not a big thing to them.?
According to Karen Warren, a civil engineer for the OCDC, the current estimated cost of the project right now is $163,103.94. The $14,896.06 extra would be used for their annual operation and maintenance costs.
She said by the residents paying the extra assessment next February, it would ‘coincide nicely? with when she will have to pay the contractors.
‘The economy is just bad right now and the county doesn’t have that kind of money to float to (contractors) for extended periods of time,? she said.
But it’s not a good time for residents, according to township treasurer, Joe Ferrari.
‘With this economy, this is an awful time to ask people to come up with extra money all at once,? he said. ‘Plus, it’s before the work has even been done.?
Ferrari’s worried that the project’s price may increase due to unforeseen expenses and cost residents even more money.
He said he’s working with township supervisor, Bill Dunn and Jacobsen in trying to get the OCDC to get rid of the one lump sum residents may have to pay.
‘We know the work needs to be done,? he said. ‘I think the approach in terms of how they’re assessing it and when they’re assessing it needs to be modified.?
Jacobsen agrees with Ferrari, and said if the drain commission would’ve been ‘a little more proactive? when the leak first occurred a few years ago, it might not have been as bad for the residents now.
If you want to voice your opinion on the extra assessment, Joe Ferrari urges you to e-mail Karen Warren at warrenk@oakgov.com. Brad Jacobsen said he’s also welcome your input at: Phone: (248) 858-0100 (County); (248) 628-0759 (Home); Fax: 248-693-8078 (County) or E-mail: bradjgolf@yahoo.com.

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