CVP brings ‘Don’t Dress? to Depot Theatre

Ever have a moment where you just didn’t know what to say?
Well, let’s hope that moment doesn’t come to Bernard and Robert in the Clarkston Village Player’s production of ‘Don’t Dress for Dinner.?
‘This is a hilarious farce,? said Director Steven M. Cunningham. ‘People trying to arrange liaisons, lots of lies and double talk ? twists, turns and laughs throughout.?
In ‘Don’t Dress for Dinner,? the lead Bernard (played by Jerry Payton) plans a weekend with his chic Parisian mistress in a French farmhouse. He has arranged for a cordon bleu cook to prepare gourmet delights, is packing his wife Jacqueline (Linda Payton) off to her mother’s and has invited his best friend Robert (Dale Dobson) to provide an alibi.
Everything is set, what could possibly go wrong?
Simple. Suppose Robert turns up not knowing why he is invited? Suppose Robert and Jacqueline are secret lovers? What happens if the cook is mistaken for the mistress and the mistress is unable to cook?
Comedy ensues as a brilliant cast of characters round out the charade: Ludia White as Suzanne, Dawn Slaski as Suzette and Mel Case as George. Amy Seaman lends her production talents to the production.
‘I just thought this was a really funny show,? said Cunningham. ‘I helped choose it on the play selection committee and when the time came, it fit into my schedule perfectly to direct. I definitely wanted to do it.?
Cunningham describes the language in ‘Don’t Dress for Dinner? as ‘not particularly obscene;? however, he does not recommend children attend due to some language content and overall theme content.
Cunningham and Seaman bring this hilarious comedy to the Depot stage Sept. 9-11, 15-17 and 22-24.
Show times are 8 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, 7:30 p.m. on Thursday and 2 p.m. on Sunday. Tickets are $12 for Friday and Saturday performances and $10 for Thursday and Sunday.
Tickets are available for purchase through or by calling 248-625-2511. They are also available by leaving a message via the Clarkston Village Players ticket line at 248-625-8811. Tickets may be purchased at the door the night of the performance; however, availability can not be assured.
For more information, please visit the Web site or call 248-625-8811. The Clarkston Village Players and Depot Theatre are located at 4861 White Lake Road.

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