CROP Walk raises $22K

More than 225 walkers from 15 churches took part in the 25th annual Lake Orion/Oxford CROP Walk last Sunday at Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church on Waldon Road.
Participants chose either a two-mile walk or a six-mile scenic walk that extended through Orion Oaks Park.
At press time, over $22,211 has been raised, with more donations expected as walkers continue to turn in pledge envelopes.
In the past 25 years, the Lake Orion/Oxford walk has raised $417,387 to aide the hungry, 25-percent of which stayed in the community.
The majority of funds raised helps Church World Service relief projects in over 80 countries, but 15-percent has gone to Orion/Oxford FISH, while five-percent has gone to both St. Vincent De Paul and the Baldwin Avenue Community Center.
‘The CROP Walk is a great opportunity for area organizations to be active in the community, joining a variety of faith groups, scout troops and clubs united to help fight world hunger,? said Adam Mueller, who coordinated the event along with Ann McKinley.
Fifteen churches from across the area were represented at the walk, including Christ the Redeemer, Mueller’s Community of Christ and McKinley’s Immanuel Congregational.
Other participants included Christ the King, Dominican Convent, Howarth United Methodist Church, King of Kings, Lake Orion United Methodists, Lakeville United Methodist Church, Oxford United Methodists, Paint Creek United Methodist Church, St. Mary’s in the Hills, St. Joseph, Thomas United Methodist and St. Trinity Lutheran of Clarkston.
St. Trinity won the coveted ‘Golden Shoe? award for the highest percentage increase in donations. They increased their previous best year by 82-percent.

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