Covering the spectrum, whatever that is

Sitting around the table with my Marine Corps and Navy brothers after World War II, the Marine said, something like, ‘We serve because our president asked us to.?
The Navy brother and this ex-Navy guy agreed. We serve our country with no questions asked. If that’s what our leader needs, we’ll go.
For the most part I’ve been led this way all my life, questioning taxes, but not our presidents? war leanings. This week a column by Dick Milliman, retired newspaper publisher and former press secretary to former Gov. George Romney, turned my thinking.
He wrote, ‘More analysts and much of the public, in my view, were akin to my own approach about the Iraqi invasion – skeptical but hopeful – until events proved our national leadership was both wrong and deceitful.?
I guess I should remove my blinders and observe the whole landscape.
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? I’ve been a Detroit Tigers follower way too long to quit on them entirely. But, instead of watching the walking pitchers and hitless hitters, I concentrate on the superfluous. Like, what’s that huge necklace Carlos Guillen is wearing? Why does catcher Rodriquez think he has to cross himself before every pitch when he’s batting? Is there a limit on the length of necklaces? I’ve observed there is less ‘scratching? than there used to be, but more are wearing gloves to hit and slide and to retighten at the plate.
? The USO started airing an ad on tv recently.
When I got to a camp in South Carolina following Great Lakes initial training, the area United Service Organization invited us to a party. One of the games they introduced us to, was seeing how long a peel we could get taking the skin off an apple. I could have won that game if I’d had one of the peelers Hazel bought.
? Time to burst another bubble. In my book, ‘The Origins of Everyday Things? it reads, ‘Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year is on June 21.? According to the modern calendar summer does not begin until June 24.? My modern calendar reports summer begins June 20.
? ‘When we go least-worst between Democrat and Republican, did you know what that signifies to the least-worst? That they can take your vote for granted because you are so horrified by the worst that you’ll go for the least worst.? — Ralph Nader. Oh, how many times have I pulled that lever in a voting booth.
? Think a gallon of gasoline is expensive? Evian water, 16 oz. at $1.79 is $14.32 a gallon.
? Everyone who hates speeding tickets, raise your right foot.
? Campers: Nature’s way of feeding mosquitos.
? Children’s science exam answers:
Q. How can you delay milk turning sour?
A. Keep it in the cow.
Q. What is the fibula?
A. A small lie.
Q. What does the word ‘benign? mean?
A. Benign is what you will be after you be eight.
Q. What happens when a boy reaches puberty?
A. He says good-bye to his boyhood and looks forward to adultery.
? The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for.
? This guy got home late one night and his wife asked him to take her some place expensive. He took her to a gas station.
? The right train of thought can take you to a better station in life.

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