Couple finds blast from past in yard

An unpleasant home chore turned into a treasure hunt when Oxford residents Dale and Suzanne Spiker found an original 1914 license plate in their front yard.
The couple, who have lived in their home since the 1960s, was having local businessman Dan Ludwig dig up their front yard to repair a broken water main when the contractor spotted something in a pile of dirt he had just removed.
“Dan said ‘Dale, there’s something in the dirt there,’” said Dale. “I went in and dug out the license plate.”
The little bit of 1914 is still in excellent condition, and was at one time legal with the ID #67176 and Michigan’s State Seal.
“I assume it was probably buried there when they first dug the main,” said Dale. “It would be nice to find the original owner of it.”
The home was built around the turn of the century and the Spikers do not know who lived there before them. Suzanne said she contacted the Secretary of State’s officer, but was told their records don’t go back that far and she should try Lansing.
“They didn’t have a specific number for me to call though,” said Suzanne, “so I’ve hit a bit of a deadend for the moment.”
But the Spikers are still pleased with their buried treasure.
“This was just something neat to find,” said Dale. “How often do you find something that old that far down?”
Dale said he plans to clean up the plate a bit more and hang it in the house somewhere – “if she’ll let me that is,” he laughed. Suzanne agreed they’ll probably find a nice frame for the piece of history.
“We’re still hoping to one day learn who owned it,” she said.

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