Council rejects ‘non-negotiable? offer, Addison withdraws from PAT

The Polly Ann Trail Management Council (PATMC) voted unanimously at their regular meeting last Wednesday to accept Addison Township’s resignation as a member after more than a year of trying to rejoin.
Addison Township Supervisor Bob Koski stated in a March 28 letter to the council that because the PATMC will not allow in-kind services to be used for dues that it is a ‘rejection of their non-negotiable proposal … thus terminating the association between Addison Twp. and the PATMC.?
In December of 2006 Addison agreed to pay their proposed $7,893 in dues for the 2007 fiscal year as long as $4,000 of in-kind services could be deducted from their total cost. They said this offer was ‘non-negotiable.?
Addison suggested the $4,000 of in-kind services would come from the PATMC renting an office space at the township complex off of Rochester Rd. instead of at Rowland Hall in Leonard.
‘After much (informal) discussion, the management council decided that if that in-kind service could be rotated among communities so that each community could benefit equally, they would accept the proposal,? said Polly Ann Trail Manager Amy Murray.
But because Addison’s offer was non-negotiable, they decided to withdraw from the council.
If the council had accepted Addison’s offer of using the in-kind monies, they would have paid a total of $3,893 each year to remain a member, while Orion Township pays $13,858, Oxford Township pays $9,479, the Village of Oxford pays $2,113.68 and the Village of Leonard pays $1,655.
Addison Township Treasurer Dan Alberty concurred with Koski’s letter, and said if the PATMC were to cut their budget even lower and allow in-kind service, that Addison could possibly still participate.
‘Our budget will not allow us to commit that significant amount of dollars,? he said.
Murray said the council is ‘disappointed? the situation had to end with one of its members withdrawing, but that the council ‘really, sincerely did everything possible? to make it so Addison could still participate.
‘In the end, (the council) couldn’t just give (in-kind service) to one community and let the others carry the weight,? she said.
Murray said the PATMC will continue to operate in Addison Township’s absence and that they will continue to maintain the entire length of the trail.
Her biggest concern, however, is how she feels Addison ‘reneged on a long-standing agreement? that would help Orion Township, who foots more than half the bill for the trail.
Orion is currently working on an extra 2? mile extension connecting the PAT to Civic Center Park, which Murray said all of the communities would contribute to financially.
‘This is the time during which Orion Township should expect our help and they’re not going to get it from Addison Township,? she said. ‘That’s the most significant impact.?

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