Committee hopes to present May 3

Parks and Rec Committee Chairman David Lohmeier hopes to present a recommendation for a new senior center to the Independence Township board on May 3; however, timing may not be on his side.
Lohmeier said he still needs to speak with township officials to decide whether the presentation can be added to the May 3 agenda. Lohmeier said he is uncertain when ballot language for the senior center bond issue and millage proposal need to be submitted to the county.
‘I think we have until May 30, I’ve been told that by some officials; however, committee members have called the county and been told the deadline is May 15,? explained Lohmeier. ‘We have to make sure about the timing.?
In addition to researching an election deadline, the committee must also decide whether or not they wish to present at the same meeting as Orco Investments. The developer’s residential proposal for land located at the corner of Waldon and Sashabaw roads, near the I-75 intersection is scheduled to continue at the May 3 meeting.
According to Lohmeier, the Parks and Rec Committee met on April 6 and reviewed estimates for a proposed senior center design done by Olsen Construction and the ballot language previously presented by Supervisor Dave Wagner. The committee also received last-minute numbers on a possible gymnasium.
‘We’re not taking the design as an absolute,? explained Lohmeier. ‘We simply wanted validation the center could be accomplished at the level being cited. We wanted confirmation the $3.1 million would be sufficient.?
After reviewing cost estimates on a possible gym, the committee decided not to move forward with that portion of the proposal at this time.
‘We came to the conclusion that the biggest and most comprehensive would be a mediocre size – comparable to an elementary or middle school gym and not as versatile,? said Lohmeier.
‘We felt we would rather not complicate the issue. However, this would not preclude us going forward on it in the future.?
The township board was scheduled to address the ballot language during the April 18 regular meeting, but the item was removed from the agenda.
To read background stories on the senior center proposal and debate, please go online to and type ‘senior center proposal? in the search engine.

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