Clear Lake gets $110K to make students safer

Students who have to walk to Clear Lake Elementary may soon be safer when taking that journey.
Last week, the Michigan Department of Transportation Office of Economic Development (MDOT) awarded the school a $110,803 Safe Routes to School (SRTS) grant to help pay for projects that would increase the safety of its 498 students.
‘I’m really excited,? said Sue Hannant, principal of Clear Lake. ‘I’m excited because this began as a school effort and then became a community effort.?
SRTS is managed by MDOT, with training, logistical, administrative and technical support from the Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness, Health and Sports. Their mission is to encourage children to walk and bike to school by making it safer for them.
According to Hannant, the grant will be used to install sidewalks along the west side of the school, make parking lot and entry improvements, add school zone signs with flashing lights, add bike racks and provide education and encouragement items such as pedometers and pamphlets, safety equipment for crossing guards and miscellaneous signage.
Hannant said this is the second grant the school has received from SRTS in the last six years and that Clear Lake was the only school in Oakland County to be awarded this year.
Eight other elementary schools in Michigan will also split the $1.6 million dolled out from the SRTS grant.
‘We’d like to thank the Oakland County Road Commission, parents, and the township for their support,? Hannant said.
The school will have one year to begin their work on the various projects.

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