Clarkston youth vaults team to statewide honors

While most girls her age are busy flipping their hair, Alexa Kitson is hard at work flipping her entire body through the air.
The 14-year-old from Clarkston recently helped her Rochester-based team win the level seven gymnastics State championship on April 10.
Individually, Kitson took first place on the bars, and second place in the all-around and vault categories.
‘It’s very rewarding. We’ve worked all year to finish first at the state meet,? said Kitson.
Alexa got her start in gymnastics when she was four-years-old by emulating her sister Lyndsey, who is currently a senior at CHS and a member of the varsity golf team there.
?(Lyndsey) would always come home and show off what she had learned. I would like to make up my own routines based on what I saw her doing,? said Kitson.
From the time Kitson was 10-years-old, she has been a member of the competitive team at the Gymnastics Training Center in Rochester. Her dedication to the sport is untiring, as she puts in up to 18 hours a week practicing for weekend competitions. Every step of the way her parents, Vicki and Don, are there supporting her.
‘My mom drives me everyday. (Both of my parents) are always at all my meets cheering me on,? said Kitson.
Kitson’s parents each bring different things to the table. Don competed in gymnastics when he was a student at Rochester High School and also in college at Michigan Tech. According to Alexa her father has served as a role model in the sport for her, along with Olympic gold medalist Kerri Strug. Vicki has provided unerring support and has grown as an observer as her daughter has blossomed as a gymnast.
‘I’m just really proud of the things that she has accomplished,? said Vicki Kitson. ‘I’m not afraid anymore. Right now I’m okay when I watch her.?
Kitson also draws support from her teammates as they have traveled and competed together as far away as Florida.
‘We are all really close. We talk about everything, not just gymnastics. But we also talk about how hard it is to compete and keep the other parts of our lives going,? said Kitson.
Kitson has maintained a 3.8 GPA so far in her freshman year at CHS and also competed on the freshman volleyball team this year.
‘Playing volleyball at Clarkston is cool. Clarkston is a big athletic town and it’s cool being a part of that,? said Kitson.
While her life gets somewhat cramped at times, Alexa still loves gymnastics and looks forward to moving up to level eight competitions next year.
‘It’s fun to be able to do things that not everybody can do,? said Kitson. ‘What I have learned goes to show you what hard work can do.?
Alexa would like to continue competing in gymnastics throughout high school with the hopes of earning a college scholarship.

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