Clarkston test scores up

Clarkston High School students continue to show improvement on state test scores, based on results of Michigan Merit Exam (MME) and ACT tests taken last spring.
“I think this is one indicator of the fact that our Cultures of Thinking, literacy, mathematics, and overall focus on each student’s educational experience is working very well,” said Superintendent Dr. Rod Rock. “It shows our delayed starts, our professional development, and our teaching/leading is highly effective. It reinforces all of the work we’ve done and should provide evidence for the board and community to continue to support the work of the district’s leadership and vision.”
Percentages of students scoring “Advanced” or “Proficient” in the MME also continues to exceed state and county results, said Staci Puzio, testing and research supervisor for Clarkston Community Schools.
MEAP scores from last year also show every grade level increased or maintained math scores compared to the year before, with grades 4 and 7 showing an increase of 11 percent and 13 percent; every grade level was above Oakland County in reading and writing; and Clarkston was above Michigan by 10-19 percent in reading and 11-22 percent in math.
Test score analysis is part of the Clarkston High School School Improvement Plan (SIP), prepared last year as required by the state. Student achievement data also includes classroom test scores, students’ grades, screening programs, feedback from teachers, and surveys, Puzio said.
“Our students average three percent above the state on ACT,” said high school Principal Gary Kaul in the SIP report. “All of our content areas are above the state targets.”
Opportunities for high school students include over 16 Advanced Placement classes, full IB programme, Science, Math and Technology center, Project Lead the Way, and many other challenging opportunities for students, Kaul said.
“We will continue to offer multiple at-risk services to our lowest performing students. Tiered interventions will be used in classroom instruction to meet students at all learning levels,” he said. “Our teachers collaborate on our late start Wednesdays to look at student work and use data to make informed decisions regarding curriculum and student achievement. Our rigorous curriculum combined with our active community and parent involvement continue to contribute to our student achievement.”
Student support includes a team of teachers identifying and evaluating at-risk students, as well as tutoring, co-taught classes, support classrooms, academic and behavioral plans, social work, guidance and school psychologist help, support groups, parent mentors, interventionists and other programs, he said.
Student performance is one of six focus areas in Clarkston Board of Education’s five-year Strategic Plan, started last year.
Administration is working on school improvement goals and will present details to the board this month or in September, Puzio said.

Michigan Merit Exam results

Spring 2014
Clarkston High % Proficient % Level 1 % Level 2 % Level 3 % Level 4
Mathematics 41.0 <10 32.0 41.0 18.0 Reading 73.0 20.0 52.0 18.0 <10 Science 44.0 18.0 26.0 31.0 25.0 Social Studies 59.0 16.0 43.0 34.0 <10 Writing 65.0 <10 59.0 29.0 <10 Oakland ISD % Proficient % Level 1 % Level 2 % Level 3 % Level 4 Mathematics 38.0 12.0 26.0 31.0 31.0 Reading 63.0 19.0 45.0 22.0 14.0 Science 35.0 16.0 20.0 25.0 39.0 Social Studies 51.0 14.0 36.0 34.0 15.0 Writing 58.0 10.0 48.0 34.0 <10 Statewide % Proficient % Level 1 % Level 2 % Level 3 % Level 4 Mathematics 29.0 <10 22.0 36.0 35.0 Reading 59.0 14.0 45.0 26.0 15.0 Science 28.0 11.0 18.0 27.0 44.0 Social Studies 44.0 10.0 34.0 40.0 16.0 Writing 51.0 <10 45.0 42.0 <10 Spring 2013 Clarkston High % Proficient % Level 1 % Level 2 % Level 3 % Level 4 Mathematics 39 7 32 43 18 Reading 70 20 50 22 8 Science 39 13 26 31 30 Social Studies 52 14 38 41 7 Writing 65 6 58 33 <5 Oakland ISD % Proficient % Level 1 % Level 2 % Level 3 % Level 4 Mathematics 37 10 27 34 29 Reading 59 19 40 26 15 Science 33 13 20 28 40 Social Studies 45 15 30 44 11 Writing 57 9 48 36 6 Statewide % Proficient % Level 1 % Level 2 % Level 3 % Level 4 Mathematics 29 6 23 38 33 Reading 54 14 39 30 17 Science 26 9 17 29 46 Social Studies 39 10 28 49 12 Writing 49 6 44 43 7 Level 1, Advanced; Level 2, Proficient; Level 3, Partially Proficient; Level 4, Not Proficient ACT scores also increasing Spring 2014 Clarkston High Mean Score Benchmark % Met, Exceeded % Not Meet Number Assessed Composite 21.4 N/A 30.3% 69.7% 597 English 20.8 18 71.0% 29.0% 597 Mathematics 20.9 22 42.7% 57.3% 597 Reading 21.6 21 55.3% 44.7% 597 Oakland ISD Mean Score Benchmark % Met, Exceeded % Not Meet Number Assessed Composite 20.8 N/A 25.6% 74.4% 14,484 English 20.2 18 63.0% 37.0% 14,484 Mathematics 20.8 22 41.4% 58.6% 14,484 Reading 20.8 21 48.3% 51.7% 14,484 Science 21.0 24 30.9% 69.1% 14,484 Statewide Mean Score Benchmark % Met, Exceeded % Not Meet Number Assessed Composite 19.8 N/A 17.8% 82.2% 105,769 English 18.9 18 56.8% 43.2% 105,769 Mathematics 19.7 22 32.1% 67.9% 105,769 Reading 19.8 21 42.0% 58.0% 105,769 Science 20.1 24 23.5% 76.5% 105,769 Clarkston High School Composite Scores 2013, 21.1 2012, 20.7

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