Clarkston City Council raises sewer rates

On July 1, sewer rates will go up in the City of the Village of Clarkston.
The city council on May 9 voted to increase the charge to $53 per quarter for each ‘residential equivalency unit.? The current rate is $51.50, and the council essentially voted only to pass along the $1.47 increase recently levied by Oakland County through Independence Township.
The council previously delayed their vote until City Manager Art Pappas could produce a report on the current status of the city sewer fund. His report shows a theoretical balance of $202,717.30, but more than $84,000 of that amount is in dispute with the Michigan Department of Transportation after last year’s water main and street paving project.
In addition, officials are waiting to learn how much may be charged by Independence Township for maintenance and repair of downtown sewer lines because of the alleged failure of several businesses to properly maintain grease traps.
‘We do have a reserve, but we’re not really sure how much it is,? said Council Member Steven Wylie. ‘I don’t know if the reserves are adequate. I think we need to pass on the increase that the county gave us.?
Council Member Walter Gamble noted that the increase is the same as last year’s, when the council also passed along a county fee increase.
‘If we have to go up again, at least it’s the same as last year. It’s not even a [same] percentage increase,? Gamble said.
The REU is based on the normal usage in a single family residence. Pappas said some businesses are charged for as many as 15 to 18 REUs.
‘The restaurants are the ones who really get hit hard,? he said.
The township DPW is currently conducting inspections of downtown sewer lines, with video cameras documenting locations of unauthorized discharge of grease into the sewer system.
In January, the council voted to assess violators with the cost of repairs, and Pappas said he sent a letter to all downtown businesses of that decision. To date there has been no followup, he said.

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