City promotes cop to full-time status

Agreeing to work out long term details later, the Clarkston City Council last week agreed to promote Police Officer Jim Thompson to full-time status.
With the exception of full-time Chief Ernest Combs, the city police department has operated with part-time officers.
Three officers have left the force in the past several months, leaving seven to cover day and evening shifts. (The Oakland County Sheriff’s Office handles midnight shift calls within the city limits.)
Council Member Scott Meyland, who serves as liaison to the police department, brought the proposal to bring Thompson in as a full-time officer, noting that he has been working approximately 40 hours per week since last fall.
Thompson has been a Clarkston police officer since 2000, and prior to that served with the Royal Oak Township Police Department for 20 years.
‘He’s got a lot of experience,? Meyland said. ‘He’s been a very good employee and a very good police officer.?
Council members spent some time discussing the benefits which will come to Thompson as a full-time city employee. Increased pay does not come with the promotion, but he will be eligible for sick days and vacation time.
Of some concern was the issue of health coverage. The city currently has no group health plan for city employees, and City Manager Art Pappas said all current employees have other coverage.
The council on May 9 agreed to have the city police budget reimburse Thompson for private health coverage through June 30, the end of the city’s fiscal year. The issue will be negotiated as part of the new budget process, officials said.
Meyland noted a potential conflict if the remaining part-time officers are not provided enough opportunity to work. To provide flexibility in scheduling shifts, the council agreed that, for Thompson, ‘full time? will mean a minimum of 64 hours per two week pay period.
‘It seemed like a good compromise, but it’s something we would review on a regular basis,? Meyland said.
City attorney Tom Ryan gave his blessing to the decision, as it did not constitute a ‘new hire.?
Concerning the health coverage issue, Ryan suggested that the city look into group coverage through the Michigan Municipal League.

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