City Council stands firm on Joyce rehiring

Despite repeated protests from some residents, the Clarkston City Council last week defended a decision to reinstate Officer Chris Joyce to the Clarkston Police Department.
Based on advice from city attorney Thomas Ryan, City Manager Art Pappas and Police Chief Ernest Combs changed a dismissal into a suspension, because of Combs? alleged failure to fulfill a city charter provision requiring ‘confirmation? from Pappas before the dismissal.
At the Oct. 25 city council meeting, residents and council members traded heated remarks over Joyce’s status and ongoing questions about relations between city and police administration.
‘You’re shoving this down our throats,? resident Bill Rausch said of the decision to reinstate Joyce. ‘I’m a citizen and I don’t like it.?
‘Legally, we were required to do what we did,? countered Council Member Anne Clifton, and that sentiment was echoed by other council members.
Rausch, one of the vocal participants in the Oct. 11 council debate, said he was criticized then for not having evidence to back up his opinions.
‘Tonight I brought backup,? he said, distributing to the council a 19-page document with copies of letters and legal documents concerning Joyce, specifically, and other incidents Rausch said deserve council attention.
Mayor Sharron Catallo was offended that Rausch distributed documents with what she claimed was personal information. At one point, she broke down in tears; asked Rausch, ‘How could you do this to me??; threw the document at him and left the meeting.
Remaining council members noted things could change depending on the outcome of the Nov. 2 election.
‘I think things will all work out,? Council Member David Savage said.
Later, Rausch said his goal is to have Joyce again fired, but he agreed to let the issue lie for now.
‘I wanted the council to reverse the decision,? he said, but, ‘That decision’s been made and we’ll see what happens in the future.?

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