CHS field to go synthetic?

Even though no formal proposal has been submitted to the board as of yet, plans are underway for CHS to sport a brand new synthetic turf field as early as next year.
The master facilities plan the school board requested earlier this year is starting to take shape and according to school board officials there could be enough money left in the 2003 bond to cover the costs of converting the current CHS football field from natural grass to a synthetic turf.
And the new football field might just be the tip of the iceberg. Massive amounts of athletic renovations and constuction are being considered for CHS, Clarkston Junior High and Sashabaw Middle School. The estimate put before the board for district wide athletic refurbishments is $2.3 to $2.5 million. According to Deputy Superintendant Dave Reschke there is $400,000 earmarked for upgrading athletic facilities left from the 2003 bond.
‘We do not have the money in this bond for two turf fields,? said Superintendant Dr. Al Roberts.
The school board wants to expidite certain features of the master facilities plan, like the new CHS field, in order to facilitate completion of constuction by Fall 2005. The Board could vote as soon as the Jan. 10 meeting on certain items of the master facilities plan.
Next weeks issue of The Clarkston News will feature an in-depth feature on the entire master facilities plan presented to the school board.

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