CHS band finishes in top place

Scott Medlen, Josh Fink, Billy Freed and Aaron Bedor are ‘Vanilla Curve.? The four young men with a very big dream brought their talent to the Clarkston High School stage to compete against 18 bands in the Battle of the Bands Competition..
The boys received 199 points out of a possible 200, great for their first performance. Their reward– a $600 gift certificate to Motor City Guitar, plus ample amount of recognition from family and friends.
Each has a history with his respective instrument. They simply brought their talent and skills to the table and started something special.
‘Vanilla Curve? worked hard to prepare for their first gig. After school, on the weekends and in between other responsibilities, the boys spent many hours rehearsing. They developed an enthusiasm toward their after-school activity and put plenty of focus and dedication into the band.
‘We practiced about three days a week for hours at a time,? said Scott Medlen, guitar player. ‘Once we brought Josh Fink in the picture, we practice every other day.?
The boys started the band as a hobby, and after a short time realized it was very important to them. They started taking the group seriously and even considered their playing a job. When the decision was made to work hard and stick together, ‘Vanilla Curve? was born.
Only together a few months, the players did everything possible to gain knowledge of their individual styles so every song was in total sync.
‘Vanilla Curve? tries to reach all audiences. Their music ranges from hard rock to slow and melodic. The boys work hard and take the time to hear every member’s voice.
‘I joined the band after they had already been established,? said Billy Freed, base. ‘We worked hard and got so used to each other, and now it’s become very easy for us to play together.?
The boys all agree the most exhilarating moment for them is when after working so hard they finally get a number.
‘We have so much fun doing this,? said Aaron Bedor, drums. ‘We have gone through these stages of massive growth, and seeing that growth as musicians is amazing.?
The boys are looking forward to continuing with their musical interest. They have recorded their first CD with threet racks through Ringside Studios in Redford. The group is working on making copies to sell at school and before performances.
What is the ultimate goal for ‘Vanilla Curve??
‘We want to put a tour together and cover as much of the map as possible,? said Josh Fink, lead singer. ‘You don’t have to be on MTV to make a career out of music, and that’s all we are trying to do.?
‘Vanilla Curve? is set to perform at the Roseville Theater on Dec. 3, Jammas Club and Clutch Cargo on Dec. 12. For information on the group, visit curve.

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