The Christ the Redeemer crew working at Habitat for Humanity of Oakland County. Pictured is Chris VanGordon , Christian Corrion, Dan Schueren, Steve Corrion, Mike Evola, Susan Dailey, Gary Banker & Rodney Bryce.
By Karen Swietlik
Special Contributor to The Review
The pandemic of 2020 challenged Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church administration and parishioners to re-think how the help those in need this Christmas.

As plans were underway for projects to be completed over the course of a week instead of one day, the governor’s “Pause” order created an additional hurdle.
Even though many of the outreach projects were not able to be done in person and church members were not able to work at many of the large non-profits, such as Forgotten Harvest and Gleaners, they were able to offer a few new and innovative projects for enthusiastic and generous parishioners to take home this December.
They also started some new projects this year including sandwich making for the Noah Project Bag Lunch Program (networking, organizing and advocating for the homeless in Detroit), and making blankets for the Fleece & Thank You Blanket Ministry.

Christ the Redeemer parishioners continued to support area agencies with the “giving tree” gifts and food items, and they collected candy to be given with holiday gifts by “Gifts for all God’s Children” in Rochester Hills.
Five hundred Snack Pax bags were decorated and filled for school children in Detroit for the Song & Spirit Institute for Peace in Berkley. Parishioners wrote hundreds of letters and collected items to be sent to the servicemen and service women stationed around the world.
Despite all the challenges, the COVID-style St. Nicholas Project was a huge success. The parish looks forward to the St. Nicholas Project in 2021.
For more information about Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church outreach programs, go to
Karen Swietlik is the Christian Service Coordinator for Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church.

Photos provided by K. Swietlik

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