Child porn suspect draws new charge

A Springfield Township man already facing multiple charges of child pornography and juvenile sexual assault was arraigned last week on a charge of ‘accosting and soliciting? his 16-year-old niece.
David N. Benton, 44, appeared before 52-2 District Judge Kelley Kostin on Jan. 27, drawing an additional $50,000 cash bond in addition to the $400,000 cash bond set on the previous charges.
Oakland County Sheriff Sgt. Mark Gardner testified that Benton in January 2003 sought to have his niece undress and allow herself to be videotaped while at his home just before they were scheduled to attend a funeral.
Oakland County Assistant Prosecutor Hala Jarbou said the accosting and soliciting charge (a 93-day misdemeanor) was filed because the victim was above the age level for juvenile-related sexual assault charges.
Benton was already in court for a pretrial conference on charges filed in November 2004. He had been charged with two counts of criminal sexual conduct-second degree (against a child under age 13), eight counts of possession of child sexually-abusive material, eight counts of using a computer to commit a crime and one count of possession of marijuana.
Those charges were filed after a woman employed to clean Benton’s home discovered evidence of numerous images of child pornography on home computers.
Kostin ordered Benton to appear for a Feb. 10 preliminary examination on the previous charges, with the intention to conduct a pretrial conference on the new charge.
Defense attorney Matthew Brown appealed for reduced bond to allow Benton to return to work, also saying he has family in the area and is otherwise not a flight risk. Jarbou objected, citing the magnitude of the previous charges and citing a need for ‘protection of the community.? Kostin agreed with the prosecution in the matter of bond.

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