NOTICE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF ORION ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE 78-263 PC-2017-01, GREGORY MEADOWS FINAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PLAN The Charter Township of Orion Board of Trustees, at the regular meeting of Monday, June 4, 2018, held at 7:00 p.m., at the Orion Township Hall, 2525 Joslyn Rd., Lake Orion, Michigan 48360, adopted a map amendment to […]
Charter Township of Orion Tommy’s Lake Water Quality Control SAD #5 Notice for Public Hearing on Cost Estimate Notice is Hereby Given: 1. That the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Orion has initiated the process of improving the quality of Tommy’s Lake by the eradication of nuisance aquatic weeds and/or algae and […]
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Charter Township of Orion Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on Monday, June 25, 2018 at 7:00 pm in the lower level of the Orion Township Hall, 2525 Joslyn Road, Lake Orion, Michigan 48360, on the following matter: AB-2018-20, Baldwin Holdings, LLC, 4713 S. Baldwin Rd., 09-32-376-001 […]
Charter Township of Orion Tommy’s Lake Water Quality Control SAD #5 Notice for Public Hearing on Cost Estimate Notice is Hereby Given: 1. That the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Orion has initiated the process of improving the quality of Tommy’s Lake by the eradication of nuisance aquatic weeds and/or algae and […]
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Charter Township of Orion Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on Monday, June 25, 2018 at 7:00 pm in the lower level of the Orion Township Hall, 2525 Joslyn Road, Lake Orion, Michigan 48360, on the following matter: AB-2018-21, JT Teal Property Group, LLC, 1145 Bayfield St, […]
NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED 2018-19 BUDGET PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on June 13, 2018 at 7:00 o’clock P.M. at the Administration Building, Lake Orion, Michigan, the Board of Education of Lake Orion Community Schools will hold a public hearing to consider the District’s proposed 2018-19 budget. The Board may not adopt its […]
VILLAGE OF LAKE ORION PUBLIC NOTICE 2018 SWIMMING CLASSES – GREEN’S PARK Classes will be held for all swimming skill levels at Green’s Park in Lake Orion beginning Monday June 18, 2018. Registration begins Monday, May 21, 2018, at 9:00 a.m. at the Village of Lake Orion Offices, 21 East Church Street, Lake Orion, Michigan […]
VILLAGE COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE APPLICATION FOR COMMERCIAL REHABILITATION EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE COMMERCIAL REHABILITATION DISTRICT NO #1 120 SOUTH BROADWAY, LAKE ORION, MI Pursuant to Michigan Public Act 210 of 2005, as amended, notice is hereby given that the Village of Lake Orion Village Council will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, June 7, 2018 at […]
Charter Township of Orion Board of Trustees Synopsis, Regular Meeting, Monday, May 21, 2018 Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. Invocation: Todd Deavers, Lake Orion Church of Christ. All rose for the Pledge of Allegiance. Parks and Recreation Department provided an update. Approved the payment of bills in the amount of $537,495.42, payrolls in […]
VILLAGE OF LAKE ORION PUBLIC NOTICE 2018 SWIMMING CLASSES – GREEN’S PARK Classes will be held for all swimming skill levels at Green’s Park in Lake Orion beginning Monday June 18, 2018. Registration begins Monday, May 21, 2018, at 9:00 a.m. at the Village of Lake Orion Offices, 21 East Church Street, Lake Orion, Michigan […]