NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Charter Township of Orion Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on Monday, October 8, 2018 at 7:00pm in the lower level of the Orion Township Hall, 2525 Joslyn Road, Lake Orion, Michigan 48360, on the following matter: AB-2018-33, Ray Vellucci, 190 Schorn Rd., 09-01-328-081 The petitioner is […]
VILLAGE OF LAKE ORION PUBLIC NOTICE SYNOPSIS OF INTRODUCED ORDINANCE PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 26.95 TEXT AMENDMENTS – ADMINISTRATIVE STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES At its Regular Meeting of September 10, 2018, the Lake Orion Village Council accepted for first reading Ordinance No. 26.95, an Ordinance to amend the Village of Lake Orion Zoning Ordinance, Article […]
CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF ORION BOARD OF TRUSTEES SYNOPSIS, REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2018 ORION TOWNSHIP HALL 2525 JOSLYN ROAD, LAKE ORION, MI 48360 Called meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All Members present. Invocation, Penny Shults, Orion Township Clerk. All rose for the Pledge of Allegiance. Adopted the Resolution Establishing Proposed 2018 Millage […]
VILLAGE OF LAKE ORION PUBLIC NOTICE SYNOPSIS OF INTRODUCED ORDINANCE PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 26.94 TEXT AMENDMENTS – CONDITIONAL REZONING At its Regular Meeting of September 10, 2018, the Lake Orion Village Council accepted for first reading Ordinance No. 26.94, an Ordinance to amend the Village of Lake Orion Zoning Ordinance, Article 19, Administrative […]
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Charter Township of Orion Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on Monday, October 8, 2018 at 7:00pm in the lower level of the Orion Township Hall, 2525 Joslyn Road, Lake Orion, Michigan 48360, on the following matter: AB-2018-35, MRDJ/RCOC, 4036 S. Baldwin Rd., 09-32-101-033 The petitioner is […]
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Charter Township of Orion Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on Monday, October 8, 2018 at 7:00pm in the lower level of the Orion Township Hall, 2525 Joslyn Road, Lake Orion, Michigan 48360, on the following matter: A13-2018-34. Orion Hospitality Group, LLC, 95 Brown Rd./4978 Huston Dr. […]
Charter Township of Orion Central Drive Road Improvement SAD #2 Notice for Public Hearing on Proposed Roll Notice is Hereby Given: 1. That the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Orion has initiated the process of rehabilitating Central Drive, from Indianwood Road to the Township/Village boundary. 2. That the special assessment roll prepared […]
NOTICE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF ORION BOARD OF TRUSTEEES 2019 BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING The Charter Township of Orion Board of Trustees will hold a public hearing on the proposed millage rates in support of the 2019 budget on Monday, September 17, 2018 at 7:00 p.m., at the Orion Township Hall, 2525 Joslyn Road, Lake Orion, Michigan. […]
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Charter Township of Orion Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on Monday, September 24, 2018 at 7:00 pm in the lower level of the Orion Township Hall, 2525 Joslyn Road, Lake Orion, Michigan 48360, on the following matter: AB-2018-31, Craig Pletta, 1292 Stoney Creek Rd., 09-12-426-011 The […]
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Charter Township of Orion Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on Monday, September 24, 2018 at 7:00 pm in the lower level of the Orion Township Hall, 2525 Joslyn Road, Lake Orion, Michigan 48360, on the following matter: AB-2018-32, MRDJ/RCOC, 4036 S. Baldwin, 09-32-101-033 The petitioner is […]