Notice of Availability of Draft Plan for Public Review The Charter Township of Orion has prepared a draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan to guide the future development of parks and recreation in Orion Township. The public is welcome to view a copy of the draft plan for review and comments. The plan is available […]
Charter Township of Orion Oakland County, Michigan Notice of Public Hearing Community Development Block Grant Funds Notice is hereby given that the Charter Township of Orion will hold a public hearing on the use of Community Development Block Grant Funds. The Hearing will be held on Monday, November 19, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. at the […]
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Charter Township of Orion Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on Monday, November 26, 2018 at 7:00 pm in the lower level of the Orion Township Hall, 2525 Joslyn Road, Lake Orion, Michigan 48360, on the following matter: AB-2018-40, Todd Garris, 310 Pine Lake Lane, 09-05-400-012 The […]
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Charter Township of Orion Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on Monday, November 26, 2018 at 7:00 pm in the lower level of the Orion Township Hall, 2525 Joslyn Road, Lake Orion, Michigan 48360, on the following matter: AB-2018-41, JDT Company/Infinity Homes, 109 Crosbie Ct, 09-04-301-073 The […]
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Charter Township of Orion Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on Monday, November 26, 2018 at 7:00 pm in the lower level of the Orion Township Hall, 2525 Joslyn Road, Lake Orion, Michigan 48360, on the following matter: AB-2018-39, Christopher M. Kolinski/CTK Group LLC, 810 Pine Ave., […]
NOTICE TO USERS OF LAKE ORION Notice is hereby given that beginning the week of October 29, 2018, the level of Lake Orion will be slowly lowered about one (1’) foot to reach the normal low water mark for winter. Lowering will not flood Paint Creek and the lowering will be completed by the third […]
VILLAGE OF LAKE ORION PUBLIC NOTICE SYNOPSIS OF ADOPTED ORDINANCE ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 26.94 TEXT AMENDMENTS – CONDITIONAL REZONING At its Regular Meeting of October 8, 2018, the Lake Orion Village Council accepted for second reading and adopted Ordinance No. 26.94, an Ordinance to amend the Village of Lake Orion Zoning Ordinance, Article 19, […]
CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF ORION BOARD OF TRUSTEES SYNOPSIS, REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2018 ORION TOWNSHIP HALL 2525 JOSLYN ROAD, LAKE ORION, MICHIGAN 48360 Called meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All Members present. Invocation, Trustee Flood, Charter Township of Orion. All rose for Pledge of Allegiance. Heard presentation: SEMCOG – Walk Bike Drive Safe […]
VILLAGE OF LAKE ORION PUBLIC NOTICE FALL LEAF PICKUP SERVICE The Village will again provide curbside leaf pick up to Village residents. We encourage you to rake your leaves to the curb as early in the season as possible, as Michigan weather conditions are unpredictable. The schedule for leaf pick up is as follows: Pick […]
VILLAGE OF LAKE ORION PUBLIC NOTICE SYNOPSIS OF ADOPTED ORDINANCE ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 26.95 TEXT AMENDMENTS – ADMINISTRATIVE STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES At its Regular Meeting of October 8, 2018, the Lake Orion Village Council accepted for second reading and adopted Ordinance No. 26.95, an Ordinance to amend the Village of Lake Orion Zoning Ordinance, […]