The Tender Turtle By Amy Denise Silvester Released Jan. 7, 2017 Book release party: 2-4 p.m. Feb. 25 at Crates Coffee House, 1472 S Lapeer Road, with a reading at 3 p.m. Books will be available to purchase on site. Books are also available at: Tender is the turtle, but fierce the dream […]
Lake Orion graduate Kylie Barber and Melissa Cratt aired live from the ONTV studio throughout the 5 or 5 food drive promoting ONTV and discussing the day’s events. The telethon-style event raised food and monetary donations for the Oxford/Orion Fish Food Pantry. ‘We found out today that FISH’s final estimate is 6,250 pounds of food […]
‘Read and Share With Me’ program puts books in the hands of young readers Eighty middle school students from St. Joseph School in Lake Orion read books to more than 120 kindergarten and first-graders at Alcott Elementary School in Pontiac on Jan. 31. Most of the middle school students bought their own books, and extra […]
By Jim Newell Review Editor A fire early Saturday morning has virtually destroyed the Lake Orion Pet Centre, a mainstay in the downtown community for decades. The fire took six hours for fire crews to completely extinguish, with firefighters from Orion Township’s four fire stations and the Lake Orion Police Dept. responding to the emergency. […]
By Jim Newell Review Editor Lake Orion Community Schools announced the 2017-18 school year attendance boundaries for the middle schools at the school board meeting Jan. 25. A boundary map for Oakview, Waldon and Scripps middle schools is on page 13. Boundary maps for individual middle school and elementary schools are available on the district […]
Orion Neighborhood Television will be holding its 7th Annual Food Drive on Feb. 4. The food drive, which benefits the Oxford/Orion FISH food pantry, will be held from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the ONTV Studio located inside of the Orion Center, 1349 Joslyn Rd. This year’s food drive will be televised live on […]
By Georgia Thelen Review Writer The Lake Orion Lions Club and Lake Orion Sunrise Rotary Club will be holding their third annual Winterfest on Feb. 4. The Lions Club will host their Outhouse Races from 2-4 p.m. and are currently taking registrants. The Outhouse Races consist of partner races that involve toilet paper exchanges, basketballs […]
By C.J. Carnacchio Leader Editor Local homeowners who need help cleaning up their yards this spring are in luck because a program that offers free labor is not only returning, it’s expanding. Applications for the second annual Oxford Gives Back work weekend (April 29-30) are being accepted now through March 6. The program is open […]
The Orion Area Youth Assistance (OAYA) seeks nominees for their 24th Annual Youth Recognition Awards Ceremony. The awards pay special tribute to outstanding youth in the community who have volunteered their time in the past year. All nominations must be received by March 24. The awards ceremony begins at 6:30 p.m. May 10 in the […]
By Jim Newell Review Editor Lake Orion Community Schools announced the district boundaries for the upcoming 2017-18 school year at the Board of Education meeting Jan. 11, and plans to release the new middle school attendance boundaries at the Jan. 25 board meeting. A boundary map of the six remaining elementary schools – Blanche Sims, […]