By Susan Carroll Review Writer The Lakeview Drive flooding problem should soon be remedied, as the Village of Lake Orion will hold a public hearing of necessity on a special assessment for the Lakeview Drive drainage improvements. The meeting is scheduled for March 12 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers at the Village Hall. […]
By C.J. Carnacchio Oxford Leader Editor Providing goods and services to customers is the textbook definition of a business. But when a business does what it does in the same community for 64 years, it moves beyond the textbook and becomes a local institution. And when that institution faithfully serves four generations, turning houses into […]
Susan Carroll Review Writer The seemingly controversial ad that The Gym ran in the ad-vertiser on Feb. 7 has gotten media attention, both locally and nationally. The ad reads: Do you ever wonder why XY>XX? WE DO! The Gym values its male members tremendously but we don’t value them a THIRD more than our female […]
By Jim Newell Review Editor Orion Township officials are beginning the process of updating the parks & recreation master plan, which will help guide the parks and recreation department over the next five years. During its Feb. 5 meeting, the board of trustees approved a $22,505 contract with Beckett & Raeder, Inc. to develop the […]
By Jim Newell Review Editor Need a little something to spice up a Saturday night? The Lake Orion Lions Club and Lake Orion United Methodist Church (LOUMC) are hosting the Taste of the Town event on Feb. 24. This year’s flavorful festivities feature food samples from local restaurants, a silent and live auction and music. […]
By Jim Newell Review Editor Lake Orion High School has a tradition of sending its student-athletes on to college to continue their playing careers, those continue to excel academically and athletically. On Feb. 7, 10 more student-athletes signed their national letters of intent to continue their athletic careers at the collegiate level. Having a public […]
Board appoints ad-hoc committee to investigate, make a recommendation By Jim Newell Review Editor Orion Township may be the place ‘Where Living is a Vacation’ but those recreational activities, parks and open spaces also carry a significant cost. In fact, parks and recreation and community programs make up 28 percent of the township’s budget, […]
By Jim Newell Review Editor From closing an elementary and redistricting students, to beginning the first round of sinking fund projects last summer and managing the district’s finances and assets, the Lake Orion Community Schools Board of Education and executive administrators have had quite a few issues to confront while trying to make the transition […]
By Susan Carroll Review Writer Lake Orion’s downtown brings people from all over to experience the ambiance of what the quaint streets have to offer. From brick walkways to unique shopping; delectable eateries to music venues; and family parks – including one that leads directly to the lake. With all that comes the need for […]
By Jim Newell Review Editor Trustee Ron Sliwinski sat silent throughout the Orion Township Board of Trustees meeting on Monday, listening stoically as two fellow board members and a resident called for him to resign his seat on the board. Sliwinski offered no comment on the sexual harassment accusations against him, nor did he address […]