Clarkston Foundation recognized students for exceptional achievement in mathematics and science April 24 at Liberty Banquet Center. Sherrie Vanderveen, president, and Linda Judd, member of the Board of Directors, honored the students at the Student Recognition Breakfast. Sashabaw Middle School: Mathematics ? Brooke Huisman, Steven Moltmaker, Rebecca Mak, Andrew Salada; Science ? Katheryn Gipe, Samantha […]
The Mamon Ride for Special Needs Children, in town this past October for its Halloween Ride, goes north this weekend to build a new school. The organization, led by Kaz Mamon, invites everyone to join in, motorcycle optional. Registration is 9-11:45 a.m. at The Post, a bar on M-24 across from The Palace of Auburn […]
Even with a name change, Drs. Todd Staniszewski and Nora Clancy want to assure their patients they will still get the same service they’ve come to expect. Optometrists Staniszewski and Clancy’s office, will now be known as Advanced Eye Care of Michigan. ‘It’s important our patients are aware that we still offer the same great […]
Drs. Charles F. Munk, left, and Charles W. Munk present contest winner Gaylene Portella with her $150 Belle Visage prize package. Patients entered their moms in the contest in honor of Mother’s Day. Photo by Phil Custodio
Clarkston Board of Education granted tenure May 7 to 19 Clarkston teachers. Andersonville Elementary: Mary Ditito, first grade; Katie Jordon, second grade. Bailey Lake Elementary: Daniel Minot, fifth grade; Sarah Wilson, first grade. Independence Elementary: Erin Hill, second grade; Kara Lamozov, third grade. Springfield Plains Elementary: Matthew Gifford, fourth grade; Laura Khoury, first grade; Angela […]
The Clarkston Elementary Garden Club and its members spent time May 5 beautifying the grounds. Members raked leaves, planed flowers and pulled weeds in their efforts.
Dogs from the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office Canine Unit were barking up the wrong tree if they expected to nab any bad guys at Bailey Lake Elementary last week. Six German Shepherds and their handlers showed up to thank all four fifth-grade classes for a special donation to help purchase new training supplies. Boss, one […]
The Springfield Garden Club held their first Daffodils and Duds event at Deer Lake Athletic Club May 9. The club is a division of the Woman’s National Farm and Garden Association. The event began with a lunch and a silent auction, featuring home decor and jewelry. The proceeds in part go to the Michigan 4-H […]
Air Force Airman Jessica Shaner has graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. During the six weeks of training, she studied the Air Force mission, organization, and military customs and courtesies; performed drill and ceremony marches, and received physical training, rifle marksmanship, field training exercises, and special training in […]
The Clarkston Area Optimist Club is proud awarded scholarships to four Clarkston Community Schools students to attend music camp this summer. The winners are Lauren Rodewald, seventh grade, Matthew Lawson, ninth grade, Jenna Harkness, seventh grade, and Monique Zentner, sixth grade. Each student will receive $500 to attend Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp. ‘The main […]