Candlelight of truth

The new Clarkston High School club No Place for Hate shared stories and lessons they learned about bullying, at a candlelight vigil in Depot Park, Dec. 4.
‘Be there for a stranger,? said a club member. ‘If they see that you give a crap and stand up for them, that would mean the world to them.?
People can change, even bullies, said another participant.
‘I used to be a bully at the middle school,? she said. ‘I did all those things to fit in with the popular kids ? I acted like a snob. I let grades suffer. I envied those who weren’t afraid to be themselves.?
Those she tried to impress weren’t really her friends, she said.
Clarkston is a great school district where people can be who they want to be, but their efforts will make it better, said another student.
‘We’re on our way to terrific things in the schools,? she said.
Nancy McLernon of Clarkston organized the vigil.

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