Buyers express interest in old hall

It was good to have an offer, but the offer apparently wasn’t good enough.
After a closed session July 10, the Springfield Township Board voted to reject a purchase offer for the old township hall at 650 Broadway.
Details were not disclosed, but Clerk Nancy Strole was pleased to have a proposal.
“There seems to be some more interest” in the building, vacant since the township offices moved to the new Davisburg Road complex in March 2002.
Construction began on the 3,000-square-foot building in 1902.
“It wasn’t planned that we would be there 100 years,” Supervisor Collin Walls said.
Walls said the building was appraised for $300,000 in December 2001, but is listed for $275,000.
Strole said she is not discouraged by the failure to make a sale so far.
“The past year hasn’t been the greatest time for the market,” she said.
Things may indeed be changing. Shortly after the board rejected the first offer July 10, Walls said another offer was made. Township officials have issued a counter offer and are awaiting word from the potential buyer.
Walls said the building would be suitable for either office or retail use.
“It would be nice to see some more [business] activity downtown,” he said.

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