Buh-bye ‘Beanie’

In his 25 years of working at Patterson’s Prescription Pharmacy in downtown Oxford, Eugene ‘Beanie? Walker has greeted every customer with a smile and a friendly ‘hello? as they walk through the back entrance.
He sits behind the tobacco counter, making friendly conversation with his regular customers, and makes sure all of his tasks are completed by three o’clock Thursday.
But tomorrow will be the last time customers at Patterson’s will be greeted by Walker because he’s decided it’s time to retire.
‘I’m just getting too old,? the Lake Orion resident joked, though he won’t say how old.
Walker was hired into Patterson’s in 1981 by owner and friend Bill Patterson after being laid-off from the King Brother’s supply shop in Pontiac.
‘I was looking for help. Beanie came in and took over very well and has done a great job,? said the now retired Patterson who is still friends with Walker today. ‘He was very smiley and up-beat, which was a contagious feeling to the rest of the people in the pharmacy.?
Walker attributes his long years at the small town pharmacy to the wonderful co-workers Patterson and the current owner Tim Davidson have hired.
‘It helps a lot and makes the job fun,? he said. ‘I enjoy them and I hope they enjoyed me.?
He’s not really sure how he wants to spend his retirement, but joked that he wants to ‘sit around and be bored.?
Walker does, however, know he’ll spend lots of time with his wife, Dorothy, and their four children and nine grandchildren.
Not to worry, though, he does plan on visiting his co-workers every now and then.
‘Oh yeah, I gotta pick up my prescriptions,? he said with a laugh.
By the way, Walker got the nickname ‘Beanie? from all of the jelly beans he ate as a child.
Thanks for all your hard work and happy retirement to ya, Beanie.

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