Board mulls new school names

The decision will not be made until next month, but there are some early favorites for naming Clarkston’s ‘new? buildings for grades 6-7 and 8-9.
According to a report at the Monday, Sept. 13 board of education meeting, 35 individuals responded to a school district appeal for suggestions for the buildings currently known as Sashabaw Middle School and Clarkston Middle School.
The majority of those making suggestions offered ‘Sashabaw Middle School? or ‘Sashabaw Intermediate School? for the 6-7 building and ‘Clarkston Junior High School? was the front runner for the 8-9 building. ‘Clarkston Academy? was an administrative suggestion for the latter.
In fall 2005, the new grade configuration is scheduled to go into effect. Ongoing construction is intended to adapt the buildings to their new planned uses. The new configuration will help alleviate student overcrowding in elementary schools, and officials have viewed it as an opportunity for creative educational opportunities.
The board is scheduled to vote for the new school names at their Oct. 13 board meeting.
Those making suggestions recognized that, ‘Tradition is a big part of Clarkston schools and the Clarkston community,? according to Anita Banach, director of marketing and communications for the school district.
Officials had suggested historical tradition be maintained, and some submissions offered creative alternatives along that line.
One, for example, ‘Sashabaw Plains Middle School,? was suggested because of the historic name of the area where the building is located, as was ‘Sashabaw Pioneer Intermediate.? ‘Park Lake? and ‘Deer Lake? were submitted for historic reasons, as well.
Other creative names included ‘White Pine Academy,? ‘Clarkston Smart School? and ‘Happy Haven Middle School? (the latter being submitted by a student whose last name is Haven, Banach said).
‘Intermediate? seemed to be a ‘theme? for the 6-7 building, Banach said, and Superintendent Al Roberts hinted it might be a good alternative to a ‘middle school.?
‘I don’t want to add to the confusion of the decision,? Roberts said, but, ‘The 6-7 building will not be a traditional middle school. I might come back to you with a better idea of what that 6-7 building will be.?
Roberts said ‘junior high? and ‘academy? are legitimate options for the 8-9 building.
Trustees had some friendly preliminary debate on the suggestions.
‘I’m really conservative and traditional, so I like Clarkston Junior High and Sashabaw Middle School,? Secretary Steve Hyer said.
‘Do we really want to go back to the name, ‘junior high??? asked President Karen Foyteck.
‘Absolutely,? responded Hyer, although he admitted, ‘I could go with ‘intermediate??
?’Intermediate? and ‘middle,? sometimes I have knowing which one’s which,? Trustee Barry Bomier said. ‘I’d like to stay with the minimum change possible.?
As the board debates the names of the new schools, Banach raised another issue which may call for more creative planning as fall 2005 approaches.
‘Are we going to name the new early childhood center?? she asked. ‘Don’t answer now.?

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