Board approves 30-year water contract at final meeting

Water rates were the topic of discussion at the Orion Township Board of Trustees meeting, which was the last for some members.
Outgoing board members Jerry Dywasuk, Jill Bastian and John Garlicki, and those who will stick around, Neal Porter, Matthew Gibb, John Steimel and Alice Young, approved a 30-year contract with the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) by a vote of 6-1.
If the township enforces various regulations on water flow during peak times, they will save up to 20 percent on their water rates.
‘Each year, you’re seeing numbers that are quite similar. Therefore…we were able to negotiate much lower factors. Reduced flows which translate into reduced rates,? said Vyto Kaunelis of Ochard Hiltz and McCliment.
The average rate residents will pay is between $20.18 and $14.53 per thousand cubic feet of water. The lower prices depend on the township enacting ordinances limiting flow.
‘What Detroit is requesting that the township put forth an ordinance amendment by April 2009,? said attorney Beth Kuda of Secrest Wardle.
Dywasuk was in favor of getting into the 30-year contract.
‘We’re trying to drive down that price dramatically. We used to have the second highest water rates from DWSD in the surrounding communities. Now, we’re down to the sixth highest,? he said.
Signing the contract right away and implementing some of the polices suggested by DWSD could keep the rate down near the $14 price.
According to Kuda, the rates are estimations, and the DWSD will come forward with the final rates soon.
What the board agreed to is the methodology of how the rates are set, she said.
The timeliness of the contract was of some concern.
Kuda said the earlier the township could get into the contract, the possibility of lower rates is increased.
But, with a new board gearing up, some were apprehensive to get into the contract.
JoAnn Van Tassel, who will assume her spot as a trustee on the board at the next meeting, thought it was an issue best dealt with then.
‘I think any action tonight would be premature,? she said.

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