Birthday party nets 780 lbs. of items for FISH

Most people expect gifts, like money or fun toys, for their birthday, but Orion resident Nadine Lychuk decided to do something different for her 80th birthday on Dec. 23.
‘At my age, when you have a birthday, you don’t need a darn thing,? she joked.
Her husband, John, wanted to throw her a birthday party, but she demanded there be no gifts.
Nadine decided to ask the 80 guests who attended her party at Oxford Hills Golf & Country Club to bring up to eight items for the Oxford/Orion FISH Food Pantry in Thomas. Sure enough, they were able to collect an amazing 780 pounds of items, both paper products and non-perishable foods, to the pantry.
‘It worked out really well,? she said.
The former Oxford resident even made sure to send a list of items that were needed, and stressed that there were no green beans allowed. ‘We have green beans coming out of our ears,? she joked.
She hopes others who may be celebrating a birthday will use her unique approach to charitable giving.
The Lychuk’s have volunteered for Oxford/Orion FISH for a combined 22 years and are always looking for more volunteers and food items. ‘It’s a big part of us,? Nadine said.
If you have a New Year’s resolution to do charitable work for 2008, why not give FISH a try? Call them at (248) 693-0638 to help out.

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