Big Jim has got a hankerin? for some chicken feet

Guess what y totally favorite food is . . .
Chicken’s feet.
Yes, I said chicken’s feet!
Chicken was our family’s favorite. My dad raised them, he nested them, and he hatched them in his incubator.
At this time we lived on a farm, fenced in our chickens, scalded them to a plucking temperature, and sent them to Mom for her to can, or prepare them for pies, and frying for eating.
First Mom had to cut off the legs at the knees for chicken soup and gravy.
Here comes my part.
Plucking chickens is where I first learned to like chicken’s feet. They were fun.
When properly scalded the skin above the feet would slide off slicker than a banana peel.
Once this is done you skin each toe separately. When you get to the nail, you snap it backwards with a flick of the wrist and the nail pops off. Getting a loud pop was the challenge.
We cut off the nails before mother cooked the legs with feet. She usually boiled the feet, then put them in the gravy. When possible, I’d get to the bowl first and fish out the feet.
Feet eating lesson: You put the whole foot in our mouth, manipulate your tongue to separate the meat from the little bones in each toe and spit them out like watermelon seeds
Home cookers should try this delicacy, only put a jelly dish as a target for the little, little bone spitters.
Recently, I ask a couple grocery shoppers to ask someone in the meat department if they had any chicken feet. The too quick response was: Whose going to cook them?
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On the morning that Daylight Saving Time ended, I stopped in to visit an aging friend. He was busy covering his penis with black shoe polish. I said to him, ‘You better get your hearing checked . . . You’re supposed to turn your clock back.?
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Forget trouble. Forgive an enemy. Hope. Grow. Be crazy. Count your blessings. Make some mistakes. Learn from them. Celebrate Life.
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Many an opportunity is lost because a man is out looking for a four-leaf clover. The secret of success is making hay with the grass that grows under other people’s feet.
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We need equal opportunities for more people, and more people who are equal to them.

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