It’s the first week of May and after weeks of staying at home, most of us are ready to visit with others and share in community gatherings again. After all, it’s spring. Time to go out and enjoy that beautiful sunshine and warmer weather! A recent trip out brought me through downtown Lake Orion. Sitting at a traffic light I began noticing how empty the downtown section looked. There were so few cars anywhere.
A fond memory popped up of time spent at the yearly flower fairs put on by the Downtown Development Authority. The vendors and shoppers have attended through rain or sun and in warm or cold weather. People attend to spend time in downtown Lake Orion, enjoying the vendors, plants, arts and crafts, but also to enjoy the small-town feeling. It is always good to see the people laughing and enjoying spending time with each other. Now it seems so odd to see the town empty and to have the flower fair canceled due to a pandemic. We will have to wait another year to enjoy this community event.
Unity Church of Lake Orion is a place of spiritual growth and community with “like minds” for me. Recently, I stopped in to check the building out and the pandemic has changed that community for many too, it felt sad to me. The whole area has a different feel energetically. One reason might be the Baldwin Road construction, or switching to online services for the past seven weeks. However, I believe, it is the energy of our church community fellowshipping in our hallways that is missing. Plus, we give attention to the little things when there and that’s missing. It was hard to feel positive, so much has changed, but being in Unity is about being in unity with everything in and around you.
As you think about all that is changing in your life and the lives of those around you do your best to be in unity with all of it. Anger will not serve you in good ways, nor will hate or the thought that you have a better idea than others. None of those feelings will keep you in unity with life. When we hold negative thoughts in our mind then our entire world is based on those thoughts. Subconsciously we create the world we are holding in our thoughts. If our thoughts are negatively charged we will only be in unity with more negativity. In that space it will be easy to find more to be angry for, more to hate, and more people who we do not agree with. We will find we are fighting all the time and never be at peace. We can choose, YOU can choose, at any time, what you will be in unity with.
Keep your mind focused on the good things you see and hear no matter how small they are. If focusing on good things is difficult for you, use laughter to shift your awareness even if you have to fake the laughter. Keep yourself from thinking or knowing that you have the answers. God has the answers our job is to be in unity with those answers. Practice prayer and meditation often, it will support you being in unity with the world.
Yes, this is a time of uncertainty, a time of the unknown, as well as a path we have not traveled before. Yet, you are not alone. Everything you are experiencing, many others are also experiencing and some may be worse than you. Find unity and peace by talking to God. Talk out loud and send your vocal vibration out to the Universe. Use intention as you talk to God, as Divine Mind, which has created all there is. Know that by putting your vibrational thoughts out to the Universe, it makes it respond back in ways that work the best for you. Watch for that best to show up but don’t create in your mind how it will show up or what it will look like.
Let God be God and let God create it and you accept it. Be in unity with this time of being at home. Accept it as a time to see what is important in your life. Meditate and talk to God about positive changes you want to see happen and then free it up to be created!
Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity! (Psalms 133:1 ESV)
Many blessings in unity,
Linda La Croix
Unity Director at Unity of Lake Orion
See her Facebook page, A Spiritual Walk, or website, aspiritualwalk.com, for more insightful posts.
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