Bailey Lake welcomes visitors

Remember having a pen pal? Someone from a far away place, a different culture, almost a different world?
Thanks to telephones, the internet and e-mail, the world has become a lot smaller. Pen pals are not what they use to be.
However, second graders from Bailey Lake Elementary have been holding onto the age old tradition with students from the Arts and Technology Academy of Pontiac.
On May 26, the year-long pen pals met at Bailey Lake. for a day of picnicing, activities and playing on the swings.
‘This is one of our ways to promote diversity in Clarkston,? said Mrs. Iveson, third grade teacher. ‘This brings the most positive energy when you see the kids interact without prejudice.?
The students have been pen pals for the entire school year. Writing a letter a month, the students were able to learn all about their new friends. Then, they were able to put a face with a name.
Bailey Lake Elementary and Arts and Technology Academy of Pontaic are pleased with the outcome, and look forward to participating next year.

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