Classic cars at church fair

Cars filled the field around First Congregational Church’s Labor Day Fair ? its parking lot was full of vintage automobiles for its Classic Car Show. Fair goers also enjoyed live entertainment, auctions, rummage sale, climbing wall, and petting zoo at the annual event.

Phil in the Blank A column by Phil Custodio

After three weeks in my living room, my Christmas tree is looking a little bare in its lower half. Only a few ornaments are still hanging on down there. They’re the lucky ones, survivors of a near constant onslaught by my younger cat, Lizzie. She climbs into the tree, even though it’s artificial and the […]

New rec guide on the way

Find out about a full year’s worth of activities in the new 2015 Independence Township Parks, Recreation and Seniors Recreation Guide, hot off the printer and on the way to residents throughout the Clarkston area. Printed by The Clarkston News, the guide also includes Clarkston Community Education’s Adult and Youth Enrichment programs on the flip […]

Getting ready to return to school

Clarkston Area Youth Assistance hosted the annual Mentor’s Plus Back to School party, Aug. 27, at Clintonwood Park. “In order to stay in school, we felt the kids had to start their new school year off on a positive note ? appropriately and adequately equipped with school supplies,” said Joyce Bleim of CAYA. “With the […]

Karate takes kids on world adventure

Four local kids’ love of karate earned them a chance to take on challengers from around the world. “It was a nice experience to actually get out of the country and see different styles of karate,” said Roger Reppuhn of Holly, 12, who went to the World Championship with Lynne DeGroot of Clarkston, 14, AJ […]

High fashion show for cancer fight

Clarkston gets a taste of big-city high fashion, Sept. 10, all for a good cause. “We’re having too much fun ? that’s why we decided to have a fashion show,” said Shari Schulz, owner of Chi Chi La La Boutique and Clarkston Flower Shoppe, 7150 N. Main Street. “We’ll have a snazzy runway in the […]

Funding for high school liaison pulled

Funding for Clarkston High School’s police liaison officer runs out at the end of October, leaving school officials looking for replacement funds. The school district has two liaison officers, one at the high school and the other assigned to junior, middle, and elementary schools. Independence Township, which contracts with Oakland County for police service, notified […]

Work all finished from 2003 school bond

All projects listed in the original 2003 school bond proposal were completed in 2007, with $6.5 million left over. Those funds have been spent, reported administration to the school board. The $83.7 million bond, plus about $1.6 million earned in interest, was used to construct school additions district wide, as well as remodeling, technology, playground […]

Phil in the Blank: A column by Phil Custodio

The community’s response to the 5 S. Main St. mural has been heated at times, but was always civilized, until now. I was impressed with mural opponents? ability to collect signatures, appeal to city leaders, call and write letters to the editor and others, but not take matters into their own hands and paint brushes. […]

Phil in the Blank A column by Phil Custodio

Christmas season is in full swing, a bit later for me because I spent Thanksgiving with family in Alabama. But my Christmas tree is up now, to the delight of my cats, particularly the younger one, Lizzie. It’s one big cat toy to her, and also a piece of the outdoors brought inside, even though […]

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