Phil in the Blank A column by Phil Custodio

The tractor situation in Independence Township reminds me of ‘Star Trek II, The Wrath of Khan.? In the movie, Khan stole a machine called the Genesis Device and in the process stranded Admiral Kirk and crew in the middle of an asteroid. In response, Kirk tries to goad his mortal enemy (Khan) into beaming down […]

Writers in town

Writing students going into grades 5-7 toured downtown Clarkston last Friday, seeking inspiration for their Oakland Summer Writer’s Camp. “We bring together kids from all over Oakland County for two weeks to develop writing skills,” said instructor Phyllis Ness. “It’s an enrichment program for kids who enjoy writing.” Ness and instructor Jim Haugh taught writing […]

Tied together

Teamwork is the name of the game for members of Local Business Network’s Clarkston Chapter. ‘It’s a great way to get to know a lot of professionals,? said Mitch Foster, president, who transferred to the Clarkston chapter from West Bloomfield, after moving to the area. ‘It’s an excellent way of doing business ? I refer […]

Healthy hearts

Something didn’t feel right to Shirley Kell of Independence Township after New Year’s celebrations 11 years ago. She thought it was probably indigestion, but just to make sure, she went to her physician, Dr. James O’Neill at Clarkston Medical Group. ‘I didn’t have any symptoms. I just knew something was wrong,? said Kell, 58. ‘I […]

Making the future at Camp Invention

Young scientists put their ideas to the test at Clarkston’s Camp Invention. In its sixth year, the week-long program presented 106 students going into grades 1-6 with hands-on modules in science, technology, engineering, and math, as well as history and the arts. In the WILD: Wondrous and Living Designs module, students explored animal survival traits […]

He’s back

Collin Walls? brief life of retirement is over. He’s back in Springfield Township’s supervisor seat, appointed to serve out Mike Trout’s term. Told he could start anytime until Aug. 11, the township’s deadline to appoint a new supervisor, Walls said he was ready immediately ? Clerk Laura Moreau swore him into office that night, at […]

Budget on the block

School-board trustees need to reduce spending by about $2 million this year. How to do that will be the topic at Monday’s Clarkston Board of Education meeting. The public is invited to attend. ‘We’re squeezing the budget really tight to save that $2 million,? said Bruce Beamer, executive director of business services. ‘I don’t know […]

Helping hearts

Students with Project Alpha Club at Clarkston Elementary School threw a Halloween party for first-grade students at the Academy of Arts and Technology in Pontiac, and celebrated Christmas with academy second graders. For Pontiac third graders, the Optimist Club youth group hosted a Valentine’s Day party, with frosted treats, cards, and crafts. ‘It gives kids […]

Eight up for supervisor appointment

Interviews complete, Springfield Township Board meets this week to appoint a new board supervisor. The township board interviewed candidates Marc J. Cooper, former trustee; Virginia Fischbach; Roger Lamont, township trustee; William Leddy, planning commissioner; George Mansour, developer; Collin Walls, former supervisor of 32 years; Neil Willson, planning commissioner; and Paul Zelenak, Lake Orion village manager, […]

Sweet holiday

Students at Bailey Lake Elementary School got creative with their Valentine’s Day baskets, decorations ranging from frilly, flowery beauty (mostly girls) to sports and Lego Star Wars (mostly boys). Along with decoration contests and games, children enjoyed chocolate fountains, cookies, cake, and other treats.

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