Holy Land trip caps high school career

Less than two weeks until graduation, seniors don’t have many steps left as students of Everest Collegiate High School. The steps they’ll probably remember most, they made half a world away. ‘Holy Week was a really incredible thing,? said Don Allen, one of 15 students from the boys and girls schools to travel to Israel […]

Clarkston walks to raise funds in Relay for Life

The 2012 Clarkston Relay for Life will be filled with 24 hours of remembrance, fun, and fund raising, May 19-20 at Clarkston Junior High School, 6595 Waldon Road. Morgan Addis, senior at Clarkston High School and Relay planning committee member, helped make it that way. “It’s a life changing event, especially the luminaria,” said Addis, […]

Police millage up in the air in Springfield

Voters will head to the polls this August to decide a Springfield Township police millage request, but the amount is still up in the air. “We will not be able to maintain current level of service with the funds generated by the current millage,” said Supervisor Collin Walls, who favored setting it at 0.8-0.9 mill. […]

Planning a ball to help mission work

Erica Cale of Independence Township may not be having a ball during her visit home, but she’s planning one. Cale, 20, spends most of her time in Honduras running Helping Hearts Helping Hands, a mission she founded to help girls in need. “This is where I want to be, this is where God wants me […]

Sign skirmish in bond debate

With three weeks left in the $20 million school bond campaign, bond opponents called out supporters for putting up signs before their time. “These signs were placed before they were legally allowed,” said Henry Woloson, member of the group, referring to “Vote Yes” signs placed on private property on Dixie Highway over the weekend. According […]

High-flying fun and games

Visitors to Mackinac Island will soon see a familiar site here in town ? Great Turtle Toys is opening its newest location in Independence Township. ‘We were looking around to open another store, when we saw this space ? it’s the right fit for us,? said Jamie Nye-Mengyan, who lives in Clarkston. ‘There’s a need […]

Group spreads word on school bond

For Clarkston Kids First members Aimee Baker, Mary Herzenstiel, Kelli Horst and Anna Muzzy, the $20 million bond proposal is all about information. “We’re also meeting a lot of people face to face in the community to answer questions about technology ? what it means, what the money will be used for,” Horst said. “We’ve […]

Family research reveals Civil War history

During the Civil War, brother fought brother as North and South struggled for survival. That’s true for Vesta DeRiso’s ancestors. Her great grandfather on her mother’s side, Isaac Elliot, ended up fighting for both sides. “He almost died,? said DeRiso, Independence Township resident. “He ended up in Michigan with a couple of his brothers.” She […]

Soldier retires to spend more time with family

BY PHIL CUSTODIO Clarkston News Editor After more than 20 years with the U.S. Army, active duty and reserves, Paul Workman is ready to retire. “I’m happy with my career,” said Workman, who retires on April 29 as a captain. “I achieved all I wanted to in the Army, It’s time to retire.” “I’m really […]

Phil in the Blank A column by Phil Custodio

The consultant issue in Independence Township, the one fueling these viewpoint pages for about a month, went away (‘Consultant’s recommendations back in play,? page 3A, March 19). It was never an issue to start with. A motion was never made. Therefore, a vote was never made. So no change was ever made. Like an annulment, […]