Best laid (field) plans don’t go astray

With two weeks to spare before the start of football conditioning, the new synthetic turf field at Clarkston High School was completed on July 15. Prograss LLC completed the project on time and on budget. ‘We are really happy; (Prograss) did a great job. There weren’t any changes as far as the turf they installed […]

Local man leaves trail of success

Some people in life become successful by taking an idea and molding it into something better. Others find their niche in life helping at the development stage. Very few people do their best work starting at the bottom. Larry Malace is one of those types? he creates, he innovates and succeeds. ‘You have to have […]

Started Out Dumb

I am starting to wonder these days if I am old enough to hanker for yesteryear. Is 26 years long enough to pine for the good old days? Maybe kids do grow up too fast, maybe I have to face facts that the United States I grew up in was a different place in a […]

Seniors stay in the game

They know they are past their primes but the members of the 17-team North Oakland Senior Softball League still thirst for the competition, comradery and plain fun of sport. ‘It gives us an opportunity to experience and still participate in an activity that we’ve had success with in the past,? said LeRoy Decker, Decker started […]

Lifegaurds hone skills so water stays safe

On July 20, the Independence Township Parks and Recreation department’s lifegaurds continued their summer long training program with an in-service at Deer Lake at 7:30 p.m.. ‘We review skills and make sure everyone is on the same page,? said Kevin Breen, Aquatics Director with Independence Township Parks and Recreation. All lifegaurds with Parks and Recreation […]

American Legion breathes new life into old field

The field was already built, the players were already there, but members of Chief Pontiac American Legion Post 377 knew some improvements needed to be made. The refurbishment of Post 377’s baseball field was thrown back and forth for years, but with a college development program starting next year, this summer was the time to […]

Athlete of the Week ? Jake Meissnest

Jake Meissnest got a tune-up for his college football career at Saginaw Valley State as a member of the Michigan High School All-Star East team. The East team lost a 30-20 contest to the West squad on July 23 in a game played at The Big House on the campus of the University of Michigan […]

Buick Open to touch Oakhurst as well

The Boosters are not the only Clarkston area entity to get a slice of the Buick Open pie. On July 30, Oakhurst Country Club and Golf Club will host a members-only Pro-Am, featuring players who do not make the cut for the weekend action at Warwick Hills. ‘In the past, the Buick Open has always […]

Clarkston Boosters help Buick Open stay safe

With an event the size of the Buick Open, there is a mass amount of planning, paperwork and people needed so everything comes off without a hitch. Members of the Clarkston Athletic Boosters will be at Warwick Hills in Grand Blanc from July 25-31 helping out, but everyone associated with the tour is probably hoping […]

Second annual Craig Greenfield Memorial Tri and Du ready to go

In creating the Craig Greenfield Memorial Triathalon and Duathalon, Corey Greenfield found a way to celebrate her brother’s passions, while fighting against the disease, non-Hodgkins lymphoma, which took his life in the winter of 2000 at the age of 32. Corey Greenfield’s vision was realized with help from her family and friends ? and the […]