I’d love to whistle, but my pucker’s gone

T’was a cheery day and I was on my way to nowhere in particular, and in no hurry to get there, when my music playing radio station, CKWW, started a Ted Weems recording. I think it was ‘Heartaches,? my favorite whistling tune. The sun was shining, I was feeling good, good enough to whistle. Now, […]

Going from crashes to brain loss, etc

I’ve often wondered how many cars Ford, GM, Chrysler, etc., build and destroy before they get to a showroom. We didn’t hear of crash testing when Henry Ford and Walter Chrysler were getting started, but we didn’t hear ‘Call Sam? commercials much, either. Today crash testing is a must. One such company that does a […]

That new car smell is sickening to others

We always loved our new-car smell. I’ve owned a lot of new cars of various models over the years. Loved the smell. However, the approval was not unanimous. Of course, few things are. But, nowadays car makers are engineering out that new car smell. And, for good reason. A good friend realized a year or […]

Death tax, estate tax or wealth distribution?

At this writing the arguing continues in Washington on how much to cut our taxes. The President wants to cut $750B, the Senate $350B. One of those taxes is the so-called estate tax, which is also referred to as the inheritance tax and to we cynics as the death tax. This tax is gradually being […]

Think the order for light meant flashlight?

The flashlight was invented about 1898, according to my encyclopedia. Notice I didn’t have to go to the internet to find that fact. Also, notice I still refuse to capitalize the word internet. If there was an outernet would it have a capital O? My attention this week on the flashlight comes from the exposure […]

Their lower ‘regions? aren’t really that low

Occasionally, ideas for columns are abundant, and sometimes there are only mental blanks. At those times (like now) I often refer back to my early life. Back to the days of backhouses, miles of up-hill walking through several feet of snow to 1-room schools and Mother’s treatments for maladies Some of the following would be […]

Jim’s Jottings

In this case ‘light’ means non-heavy – as in: If you are going to try cross country skiing, start with a small country. * * * The First Christmas If the first Christmas, the three wise men had been women, they would have asked directions, arrived on time, cleaned the stable, helped deliver the baby, […]

My post-holiday notes

This is the first year I’ve realized, or been told, there are so many perfect gifts. Like: The Arctic Twister. Users can put ice cream or sherbert into this thing, add M&Ms, etc. and out comes a gooey mess in a dish or cone. All grandparents would be thrilled to receive this “perfect” gift. Another […]

I resolve to procrastinate more

I don’t make New Year’s resolutions because: 1. I know I won’t remember them; and 2) Even if I did remember them, I know I wouldn’t keep them. But if I did make a New Year’s resolution it would be: I resolve to procrastinate more, starting tomorrow. “The 2003 Old Farmer’s Almanac” lists 64 holidays […]

News of weather and weight fill the airwaves

The same day the news media was filled with snowfall warnings, our government issued warnings on ‘changes we should make right now!? I guarantee the snow warnings were heeded quicker and with more action than the ‘changes.? We were promised a foot of snow in one breath, and a promise of a shorter life if […]

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