You know it’s going to be a bad day when . . .

Friday dawned a nice day. I decided to drive my handy John Deere out to get the morning paper. It’s about 100 feet from the garage door to the mailbox. As soon as I took the paper from the box, my John Deere quit running. Oops, out of gas. I’m in my pajamas and robe, […]

Just Jotting

Some months ago I experienced a bout of depression. It was short-lived and apparently treatable. During that time I learned Winston Churchill and Abraham Lincoln also had this ailment. It was not comforting. * * * When I see a newspaper headline ‘Numbers,? I read it. Did you know the U. N. needs $40 million […]

Jottings has many ideas, some even believable

* Ever notice in American Airlines commercials about how easy they say it is to get seating? And the camera shows two guys on a practically empty plane? * Question: What/who buys the most time on tv these days: lawyers or sellers of gold? * Three bits of wisdom for golfers: Take extra time when […]

My miscellanea pile is misaligned

My advice to reporters who think they’d like to become columnists is to think about a topic for a week, then write. As far as I can remember none took my advise. Most just waited until deadline and hoped something appears. I took my column planning a bit further after taking the advice of an […]

Wanna save? Adopt Depression era thinking

It has become obvious to this slow thinker that I’m never going to get over my Depression era rearing. I came to that conclusion recently (I told you I’m a slow thinker) during my attempt to put a smooth finish on some plywood. I had stained it and applied a coat of Polyurethane, sanding the […]

Etiquette tips for golfers unknown to we hackers

January 7, 2004 The Detroit News printed golf etiquette tips that ‘demonstrate respect for playing partners and the game.? It should have been run with the comics, not on a sports page. In season, I play golf four days a week. To pick up an occasional win one has to sneeze, scratch or wave to […]

My last war story, and that’s a promise!

When I remind you that I had exactly 14 days of U.S vs. Japan wartime experience you know my stories are few. However, with so much tsunami-Japan-Pacific exposure I’m prompted to print something. Our first assignment on March 23, 1945 was to deliver a shipload of Griesedieck beer through the Panama Canal to Pearl Harbor. […]

This week’s topics: Midriffs & obesity lawsuits

It was only a matter of time until some advertising genius convinced a product maker that midriffs could double as billboards. Perhaps I’ve missed it, but I don’t recall any previous use of this skinned area besides Rowan and Martin’s television show ‘Laugh-In? when I think they used that section of Goldie Hawn in comedy […]

The ideal age for boys is 17 and a half

ut first, did you miss me last week? Wow! I haven’t been knocked so low by a cold in decades. However, during my recovery a tsunami disrupted the world and gave me a comparison to my own suffering. It’s a male thing. Things are worse for me. What happened in Japan prompted war-time thinking, experiences […]

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