Toys For Tots gift goes to seniors for seniors party

I was invited to party a few weeks before Christmas where everyone was to bring a gift. The gift couldn’t cost more than $15 and it had to be bisexual. The Inviter apparently heard the bewilderment in my voice, because she said, ‘Something like maybe a disc.? I considered the possibilities, but the disc offering […]

Take time next Monday, give thought to May 30

? It is a veteran, not the reporter who has given us freedom of the press. ? It is the veteran, not the poet who has given us freedom of speech. ? It is the veteran, not the campus organizer who has given us freedom to assemble. ? It is the veteran, not the lawyer […]

Bacon’s been around, fried and Sir Francis

It’s hard to believe it’s been three weeks since I wrote about bacon. I know! I know! You’ve been anxious to read more, both you readers have called. Actually, I had kind of put bacon on the back burner, so to speak. Then I heard Tompall Glaser singing, ‘Put another log on the fire,? which […]

Tying a couple of remotes together

? At age 13, I was going to be the greatest baseball pitcher of all time. ? April 20 my Jottings told of my soaking my pj’s as an urge made me trickle on a windy day. ? Read on and I’ll show how I can tie these two things together. – – – 0 […]

Caddying for the blind is a real eye-opener

This column is more about life than golf, though the headline may make you think otherwise. A Christmas present from son Jim was the book, ‘Who’s Your Caddy?? by Rick Reilly. In real life he’s a back page columnist for Sports Illustrated. Eleven people agreed to let him caddy for them. People like John Daly, […]

Trump’s trump prompts rebirth of birth question

Adage of yore: ‘A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still.? In 2008 Barack Hussein Obama released a short form certificate of his birth in 1961. Following Donald Trump’s loud demand, ‘I want to see Obama’s birth certificate!? President Obama sent his personal counsel Judith Corley to Hawaii to get certified […]

Shopping for girl’s size 8 with granddaughter, 8

I did my part in continuing the reputation women have of being incessant shoppers. The bumper sticker that reads, ‘Shop ‘Til You Drop? can now rightfully be displayed on granddaughter Savannah’s new bicycle. I say ‘new? bicycle because she insists her present bike, and the hand-me-down bike from her cousin Karen, are too small. Partly […]

Something about May causes me to recall . . .

Maybe it’s Mother’s Day. Maybe it’s graduation time. Maybe it’s Memorial Day. Whatever, something about this month makes me have some more serious thoughts. I’m reminded of a quotation and poem I’ve put in Jottings columns in years past. First the quotation: Take a bucket and fill it with water, Put your hand in it, […]

Lots to write about, little to really say

Lots of on-line match-making outfits are advertising on the tube these days. It got me to thinking about what things would have been like if Hazel and I had met on the internet (I still refuse to capitalize internet.) in 1943. Would she text ‘I like Polka dancing.? If so, I’d answer, ‘I hate Polkas.? […]

Borrego Springs: One of Calif’s desert oases

Having visited Arizona several times over a 15-year period I thought I was familiar with the southwest’s deserts. Wrong! Tom and Irene Schaible of Oxford, who have wintered in Borrego Springs, CA the past few years talked me into comparing arid to humid — California’s desert to Florida’s swamps. Borrego Springs is about 80 miles […]

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