Like ‘Rambling Rose?? Here’s rambling prose

As a way of proving to myself that I’m no longer relevant, that I’m terribly uninformed in certain areas and would be lost in conversations with theater-goers, I read the entire list of Oscar nominees. I recognized none of the movie titles, though I probably should have picked up on publicity for ‘No Country for […]

I think ‘cynic? would fit as my middle name

I’ve often wondered how the word ‘politician? got into Webster’s dictionary. Webster was thoughtful enough to leave out other obscene words. Seriously, folks. Have you ever heard the word politician used as a word of praise, kindness or eulogy? Mark Twain and Will Rogers are more often quoted for their uncomplimentary politician comments than their […]

Going from hogs to hogwash

I was raised on a farm. Well, that’s not exactly correct. What my dad did was not exactly ‘farming.? He liked farming, but we never rented more than 40 acres. Dad would till with his Terraplane, or whatever kind of car he owned at the time. And, Dad loved hogs. Big hogs. When we took […]

Six armed men vs. a single flying squirrel

We who have retreats up north are always concerned that vermits of some kind will make their way into our units. We always vacuum before leaving, not for dirt, (we’re not dirty) but for crumbs, things that ants might live on while we’re gone. We’ve caged the chimney top to eliminate that entry, and our […]

Sometimes we have to think to give thanks

There are times in life when we feel there is nothing for which to give thanks. Deaths and tragedies cancel good thoughts. Then you see a baby look at you and smile. And you melt. A cold or illness saps your strength, then you see a beautiful sunset. There are times in life when happier […]

Sweet, kind mother raised us with threats

Following is a reprint of a Jottings I wrote a long time ago. If you remember it, you too, are old. But it’s July, and the heat has slowed my mind. – – – 0 – – – ?. . . The accepted image of mothers to song writers and many of us ordinary folk […]

Ever properly fold a fitted sheet? No one has!

The person who invented fitted sheets never refolded one after a wash. Or, that inventor was a sadist, had a bad marriage, hated the world or had a weird sense of humor. Last week I had to launder the fitted sheets used in our deer camp. What? You didn’t really expect we hunters to use […]

Just jotting

Last year I hired a window washer. When he was finished he asked if I knew our house needed a paint job. I hired a painter. When he was finished he asked if I knew we needed a new roof. When the roofer was finished he asked if I knew we needed a new roof […]

Label reading, etc., recollections, etc.

If you’re like me, and I hope you’re not when it comes to shopping for some things like ointment, you don’t read the fine print. Like too many men, I know ointment is ointment. I know Vaseline, Bag Balm, Suave, etc. They all do the same thing. I know that for a fact. And, all […]

Observations and realizations of little note

The rising cost of a gallon of gasoline has wrought opposite reactions to drivers. There are those who drive slower and coast to stops at signs and lights. Then there is the majority of drivers who don’t consider the cost, don’t fear the hereafter and insist on being ahead of whatever and whoever is ahead […]

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