New plan offered for McCord farm

Independence Township officials are hoping to hold onto a deteriorating piece of local history. At the Feb. 15 regular board meeting, township Supervisor Dave Wagner informed trustees he would like to look into a new development option for the McCord farmhouse and barn property located on Pine Knob Rd. The old farmhouse, barn and other […]

Independence goes to work to reduce costs

The well-known saying ‘you have to spend money to make money? has been around for years ? and officials with Independence Township are hoping a new twist on the old concept will help them maintain a tightly balanced budget. At the Feb. 15 regular meeting, township trustees voted unanimously to hire Alliance Telecommunications, Inc. (ATI) […]

COG resurfaces to fight possible WalMart complex

Reports of Orco Investments Inc. possibly bringing in a development near the Sashabaw Road and I-75 connection in Independence Township has spread like wildfire ? leading several area residents to begin doing a little research of their own. According to a press release sent from attorney Neil Wallace’s office, Citizens for Orderly Growth (COG) scheduled […]

The News to Me

Guess what. I’m looking forward to May. Why do you ask? Not because of a birthday or anniversary or any other specific holiday, but because I get to learn what the next step is for ‘Leadership Clarkston.? I get to learn what action will come from the abstract discussions on mission statements and community visions […]

Clarkston leaders converge

This past Thursday, representatives from five different community entities came together with a common purpose in mind: ‘Leadership Clarkston.? ‘Leadership Clarkston? is an annual joint meeting where the Clarkston Area Chamber of Commerce hosts board members from the City of the Village of Clarkston, Clarkston Community Schools, Independence Township and Springfield Township. The purpose of […]

The News to Me

There’s something that’s been bothering me lately the more and more I think about it; and I can thank my publisher for even putting the thought in my head. At the Jan. 10 Independence Township board meeting, the trustees approved just below a 3 percent raise for all non-union salaried employees, including the supervisor, clerk […]

Leadership forum builds on past accomplishments

‘Leadership Clarkston? is not a concept recently sprung from the Clarkston Area Chamber of Commerce; however, the idea did originate with one driven chamber leader. Past chamber president Tim Patterson created the idea of ‘Leadership Clarkston? in 2004. According to Chamber Director Penny Shanks, Patterson was involved with similar groups and wanted a way for […]

A ‘Suite Dream? come true

BY JENNY MATTESON Clarkston News Editor ‘She deserves this. All of her life, all she’s known is the hospital. White walls and white lab coats. All I wanted was for her to have her own space. It’s all about her, all about her. This is a healing room.? These were the words Anitra Williamson uttered […]

Township increases fees for building, planning, zoning

After allowing the schedule to sit dormant since 1994, the Independence Township Building Department took time to review the residential building, planning and zoning fees ? with rate increases approved for both residential and commercial at the Jan. 10 board meeting. According to Building Department Director Dave Belcher, officials checked with nearby townships to ensure […]

Independence Township approves three percent raises

The Independence Township board of trustees voted unanimously for just shy of three percent raises for non-union salary employees. ‘I find these are within range with others,? said Treasurer Dave Wenger. ‘I don’t vote for this lightly, but we’ve planned for it and expect it.? ‘All of these have been budgeted for.? With the increases, […]

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