Township approves individual SADs for Andersonville Rd.

Residents with failing septic systems along a portion of Andersonville Road can now find relief ? and protection for their ground water. Linda Richardson, director of the Department of Public Work for Independence Township, received approval from the township board on July 5 to establish Individual Special Assessment Districts (ISAD) for those tying into a […]

Township takes step to regulate ‘keyholing’

Continuing to take small steps towards addressing a long standing township issue, the Independence Board of Trustees reviewed an amendment concerning keyholing at the July 19 meeting. Keyholing refers to the use of one dock by more than one property owner on a parcel of land. For example, residents of an apartment complex or condo […]

The News to Me

I realized something this past week about myself ? I can accomplish an unbelievable amount when I’m home alone. What am I talking about? I’m talking about a week of freedom. A week without dirty laundry strung across the house. A week without dirty dishes piling up in the sink. A week without cooking for […]

Independence Township receives audit report

Auditors Plante & Moran, PLLC gave Independence Township a positive opinion after reviewing the township’s financial records. According to Plante & Moran’s financial report, Independence Township saw a revenue increase of $1.5 million in 2004 due mainly to an increased property tax base. However, the township did experience a decrease in state shared revenues of […]

COG members turn in legal fund petitions

Members of the Independence Township Board have a lot to think about ? 1,098 individual opinions to consider as a matter of fact. On Aug. 2, Citizens for Orderly Growth presented the board with the completed petitions for a land use legal defense fund millage. The petitions ask for the township to put a one-time, […]

Pipeline carves path through Clarkston

Work is well underway in Independence Township on Consumers Energy’s West Oakland Pipeline. The 23.4-mile pipeline runs locally through Independence and Springfield townships. Phase I began in Independence this past May. ‘We formed an agreement with Liberty Golf Course that work on the pipeline there will wait until after the golf season,? said Debra Dodd, […]

No Wal-Mart

Since submitting their signed petitions to place language for a legal defense fund on the November ballot, members of Citizens for Orderly Growth (COG) have waited patiently for opinions from attorneys. Now, the wait is almost over. On Tuesday, Independence Township Supervisor Dave Wagner released an opinion from attorneys with the Michigan Townships Association (MTA) […]

Student wants to promote ‘understanding’

In a world troubled by terrorism and fear, traveling to other countries has taken on new meaning. In fact, many Americans now avoid the prospect altogether. However, a few remain who not only want to see other countries, but also form an understanding of their cultures. Clarkston High School sophomore Kara Huth is just that […]

The News to Me

I was sitting in the office the other day reading the ‘Cheers and Jeers? section of the Oakland Press when I realized how much I enjoy that type of straightforward opinion piece. (And yes, for those jokesters out there, I do read newspapers other than my own.) Okay, back on topic, ‘Cheers and Jeers.? I […]

Feelin’ the burn?

Stand Ministries PowerLifting for Christ spread their message at Clarkston Community Church’s annual picnic. The Stand lifters hefted, twirled, tore and witnessed their message to those in attendance.