Final facts about senior center budget numbers

Numbers can be the most confusing aspect of any story. They can also tell the whole story on their own. For the Independence Township Senior Center, numbers are a blessing and a curse. Every year the center attempts to create a balanced budget while adjusting for rising utility costs, increasing building maintenance and cutbacks. In […]

Senior center recommended

After taking a step back on May 16 to make sure their ducks are in the line, the Independence Township Parks and Recreation Commission reached a unanimous decision on July 13. Commission members voted unanimously to bring before the Independence Township Board of Trustees a recommendation for a new 14,000-square-foot senior center and operational millage. […]

Twp. approves contract for Wireless Oakland

The deal is official ? Independence Township is formally a part of Phase II for Wireless Oakland. The township board voted unanimously to sign an interlocal agreement with Oakland County in order to be a pilot community for the second phase of the program. To date, 40 communities have signed the agreement. Wireless Oakland is […]

Clarkston Council reviews progress

Mayor Sharron Catallo called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. The city’s bills in the amount of $89,585.46 were approved 5-0 (Council members Wylie and Ottman absent). ? Clarkston Caf? owner Curt Catallo reported on the recent purchase of the restaurant. The building inspector, the Independence Township Fire Department and the Oakland County Board […]

The News to Me

For the past six weeks, The Clarkston News, and myself, explored several of the aspects surrounding Independence Township’s discussions on a proposed bond issue and operational millage for a new senior center. The articles looked at the history of the senior center, any bond issues or millages for the center, the current needs of the […]

Independence Township sewer rates increasing

After a 4-2 vote by the Independence Township Board of Trustees on July 18, residents will soon see an increase in their next sewer bill. According to Linda Richardson, director of the Department of Public Works, the Oakland County Drain Commissioner sent notice of a $1.46/ quarterly increase per Residential Equivalency Unit to the township. […]

Vandals damage McCord home

Sam Moraco is angry. After months of stabilizing the structure and beginning renovations on the McCord-Stickney home, Moraco arrived at the property this past Saturday morning, July 29, to learn vandals had destroyed not one, but 13 of what he feels was the home’s best features. ‘I got to the property and found out someone […]

The votes are in?

The ballots are cast and the votes are tallied ? with everything moving smoothly during the Aug. 8 primary election for Springfield and Independence townships and the City of Clarkston. By 11:30 p.m., the three municipalities had all unofficial elections results submitted and posted on the Oakland County website. The following results were listed on […]

Miss Dance of America 2007

This was an eventful year for Ashley Shaw. While graduating from high school and being named Miss Dance of Michigan are big enough accomplishments, Shaw was just getting started. Shaw, 18, was recently named Miss Dance of America at the end of a national competition hosted by Dance Masters of America in Las Vegas. A […]

The News to Me

Those who see or talk to me outside of The Clarkston News office probably know that I and my loving husband Tom became first time home buyers almost four months ago. We purchased a cute 70-year-old, 1,100-square-foot, two-story fixer-upper in the Village of Oxford. Allow me to define ‘fixer-upper? in my mind: a home that […]

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