The lost program

While discussing the uses of the senior center building, Senior Center Director Margaret Bartos mentioned a program discontinued at the center due to space limitations. According to Bartos, the center’s woodworking program was held in the basement until 1999 when work was done to waterproof the area. At this time, the equipment and tools were […]

The News To Me

With so much interesting news happening in the world of schools and politics, I really haven’t spent much column space on personal matters. That said, I figure the time has come to announce my latest good news. Almost a year ago ? July 13 edition of The Clarkston News to be specific ? I wrote […]

Don’t judge a building by the cover

Last week, The Clarkston News took a look at the condition or ‘quality? of the actually senior center building. We reported on the building’s continued deterioration and many repairs. This week in the third article of a series discussing the proposal for a new senior center building and operational millage, we review the many uses […]

Board takes next step towards CIA

The Independence Township Board received little direction from residents during a June 20 public hearing on the proposed Corridor Improvement Authority along Sashabaw Road. During public comment, several residents asked questions about the new authority, but few voiced opinions for or against the endeavor. The CIA functions similarly to a Downtown Development Authority, allowing communities […]

Clean audit for Independence

Sometimes no news is good news. At the June 20 regular meeting, auditors Plante & Moran PLLC gave Independence Township a clean bill of health for the 2005 fiscal year. Plante & Moran representative Joe Heffernan said the township’s accounting practices are fair and accurate. He also praised township officials on their ‘conservative budgeting.? ‘Revenue […]

Independence Township Library goes wireless

As of July 5, users of the Independence Township Library can access the Internet through a new wireless network. According to Don McGaw, head of circulation and IT manager, library employees were asked by numerous patrons whether or not the facility has wireless access. ‘The library staff was asked often enough that we decided to […]

Senior Center ballot issues

Following is the fourth story in a series on the proposal for a new senior center and operational millage. With almost three decades of discussion revolving around a new senior center for Independence Township, many residents may be surprised by this piece of information: Senior center facilities were only placed on a ballot once in […]

Independence Senior Center:

The Independence Township Senior Center has its own buildings. The center has its own staff. The center runs its own programs. However, the senior center is not an individual department within Independence Township like the DPW or building department ? it is a program (a subgroup) within the parks and recreation department. In many ways, […]

Orco rezoning denied

Applause and a standing ovation greeted the Independence Township Board of Trustee’s July 5 decision to deny the first reading of Orco Investments? rezoning request for 70 acres of land located on the northwest corner of Sashabaw and Waldon roads near the I-75 interchange. The denial was the latest in over a year’s worth of […]

Renewals top ballot in Independence Township

Independence Township voters will decide the fate of two millage renewal requests on the August primary ballot. Independence Township is seeking a four-year, 0.6910 mill renewal for the library. During the first year, the millage will collect an estimated $1,138,529. According to Township Treasurer Jim Wenger, the millage was last renewed in 2002. The request […]

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