White canes April 28-May 6

Bright as the numerous orange barrels dotting our roadways, the Lions Club white canes will spread across Clarkston the week of April 28 through May 6. Members of the Clarkston Area Lions Club will hit the streets and store fronts to raise funds as part of the annual White Cane Week. This is the second […]

Committee hopes to present May 3

Parks and Rec Committee Chairman David Lohmeier hopes to present a recommendation for a new senior center to the Independence Township board on May 3; however, timing may not be on his side. Lohmeier said he still needs to speak with township officials to decide whether the presentation can be added to the May 3 […]

Commission denies Orco request

After more than a year of presentations and discussions, the Independence Township Planning Commission has turned down a rezoning request from Orco Investments in favor of their own. During the April 27 meeting, commissioners voted twice on Orco’s request to rezone almost 70 acres from single family residential to planned shopping center and highway commercial […]

No action on senior center ballot issues

The plodding pace to create ballot language for an August senior center bond issue and millage is frustrating some members of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. At the March 7 regular meeting of the Independence Township Board of Trustees, Advisory Committee Chair David Lohmeier voiced that frustration. ‘We on the commission are worried about […]

Police, library millages on August ballot

There will be plenty to consider in regards to Independence Township for the August election ? including two millage renewals. At the April 18 regular board meeting, trustees approved ballot language for both the police and library millages. The police millage, after Headlee rollback, is 2.0547 mills. The original millage was authorized by voters in […]

Orco withdraws

To the surprise of Independence Township Board Trustees and residents in attendance, Orco Investments removed their petition for site specific relief regarding a residential development during the May 3 hearing. The site specific relief request pertains to a 70-acre parcel located in the northwest corner of Waldon and Sashabaw roads, near the I-75 interchange. Over […]

The News To Me

Gather round my children as I gaze into my crystal ball. I see far, I see near? I see the past, I see the future? I see how the world should be? Now that Clarkston Schools has their 10-year Headlee override, I see several teachers with pink slips who should be reinstated for the 2006-07 […]

Power outage in downtown Clarkston

Rain, not lightening, was the cause of a power outage in the Clarkston News building on May 2 ? and the ultimate source of a bigger power outage the following day. Around 5 p.m. on May 2, a large flash of light was seen behind the Clarkston News building. After staff returned to the building […]

And the winners are?

There is no greater honor than the recognition received for a job well done. A small pat on the back or a kind word of praise can make anything worthwhile. With that thought in mind, 11 unique individuals were honored for their hard work and dedication on May 17 at the 21st Annual Clarkston Community […]

Senior Center delayed

After months of preparation, the Independence Township parks and recreation commission voted on May 4 to rescind their proposal for a $3.1 million senior center bond issue and 0.25-0.5 millage proposal on the August ballot ? and asked the township board to do the same at the May 16 meeting. During the meeting, the commission […]

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